
yeah, I'd like to know too. the people I actually hear reviews from aren't experienced and don't have much to compare it to. I haven't tried it. it jus seems too expensive and hyped up. anyone else?
I personally have not used it and prefer to make my own or somethng close to it but I have heard feedback from many guys who love the stuff.
hey guys i tried this and it the real sh... i workout early and if you need a quick jolt in the ass this is it, once you try it you feel like crap working out without it, draw back is you sweat like a horse but non stop energy ,you rest less between sets, gettin ready to buy some more, take 45 minutes before a ride to the gym.........
Yah I tried it like 2 years ago , I was using it when I was doing

monday - chest should triceps , I would do 1 set of pushups to failure , 1 set of handstand pushups to failure , then go outside and do a couple bench sets , flys , and pushdowns

wednesday - 1 set of bodyweight squats failure , and then a couple sets of leg extensions and squat sets

friday - abs back and biceps - I would do 1 set of abs to failure , then do and do me like pullups , curls ,

pretty easy , short and simple routine , But the no-xplode gives amazing pumps , it got me to being able to doing 120 pushups and then 35 handstand pushups before I go out and bench
It's actually a pretty good product. Ive used it on and off for the last year.

Great pumps.
Nootropic effect. I had Clearer sharper thinking.
Increased energy. Actually at full dose I had too much energy so I take half dose.

The only negative I can think of is when I first started taking it at full dose I felt strange as hell from the stimilation that comes at all angles. What I mean is it stimulates your Body and mind........You can get dizzy or feal nauseus (sp) at first.

Overall I like it and the taste is bearable.
Yah the taste is pretty good , the first time I took it I didnt take a full dosage I took how it says for the first recommended dosage , and I had amazing mental concentration , felt like I has a huge adrenaline high. the day after I bumped it up to normal dosage , and kept taking normal from then on.... You start to build a tolerance to the feeling after taking it for like 2-3 days atleast I did the first two , But you still have amazing pump while working out
It's a good product and it really worked. Most of my football team was using it and nobody had any bad opinions on it.
This is a good product but the results will diminish over time so it should be cycled on and off or just switch from product to product another great product is superpump 250 from gaspari, they were the first to have the pre workout drink, i took this product first and only one scoop gave me a pump, tolerance needs to be built up, cause it can upset the stomach
cogz66 said:
This is a good product but the results will diminish over time so it should be cycled on and off or just switch from product to product another great product is superpump 250 from gaspari, they were the first to have the pre workout drink, i took this product first and only one scoop gave me a pump, tolerance needs to be built up, cause it can upset the stomach
I have heard superpump 250 is good also.
NO-Xplode won the Muscle Builder Of The Year and Nitric Oxide Of The Year award for 2005, 2006 and 2007! NO-Xplode is the world's first and only pre-workout supplement that produces immediate results in energy, size, strength, pumps, performance, mental focus, and training intensity...You will literally see and feel it working within minutes of taking it!

NO-Xplode has the unique ability to get you dialed in and pumped up for every single workout by inducing the strongest and most advanced nitric oxide, creatine, and body-mind stimulating surge ever developed in a supplement. No other products can say that! No other products can do that!

Immediate Muscle And Vascular Enlargement With NO Meta-Fusion!

NO Meta-Fusion is the core of NO-Xplode. It is the catalyst that makes the entire formula and its amazing body altering and mind enhancing effects possible. NO Meta-Fusion opens the door to vaso-muscular enlargement by immediately ramping up and sustaining Nitric Oxide (NO) levels. NO widens the blood vessel, which in turn accelerates blood flow to the muscle. This sudden blood surge causes mind blowing pumps and a rapid increase in the overall size and shape of your muscles. And it all happens within minutes! The result? Your veins will stick out like a garden hose and your muscles will be jacked up beyond belief. NO Meta-Fusion precision delivers a powerful blend of the new muscle volumizing creatine matrix that only NO-Xplode provides.

Instant Gratification With The Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix : No Bloat, No Stomach Cramps, No Fat Gain - Just Rock-Hard, Swollen Muscles!

Existing creatine supplements and related products make you wait days, weeks, or even longer to get results. If you're like many, you won't get any results at all. A key problem is that these products don't "train" your muscles to store more creatine. Your muscles can only hold so much creatine. Once they're topped off, the gains come to a screeching halt; and if your muscles are topped off to begin with, you may not respond to these products at all ("non-responder").

NO-Xplode has eliminated this problem by increasing you body's creatine saturation point. It completely opens up the blood vessels which feed the muscle, allowing the Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix to stretch the muscle cell and force it to hold more creatine and other volumizing nutrients. And, what's even more amazing is that this starts happening within minutes of ingestion.

Not only does NO-Xplode start producing results you can see and feel almost immediately, but it also doesn't require sugar to make it work. In contrast, other creatine products come loaded with fat promoting sugars. They can cause you to gain fat and appear bloated or "puffy". With NO-Xplode you'll never feel bloated, retain water, or get fat. Plus, your stomach won't have any problems absorbing it, which eliminates painful cramps or stomach discomfort! Now even the toughest creatine "non-responder" will experience intense pumps and pack on rock hard muscle.

Get Dialed In, Every Single Workout, With The Ener-Tropic Xplosion!

To get a maximum pump, you've got to connect with your muscles with 100% focus on every set and every rep (the mind-muscle connection). Existing stimulant products give you a general mental "kick" that often leaves you less focused (and more agitated) than you were before.

NO-Xplode's one-of-a-kind blend of methylxanthine and nootropics (brain stimulating nutrients) energizes your brain and body with the most focused intensity imaginable, within minutes of ingestion. It physically and mentally prepares you for the most growth-stimulating workout possible, and then it carries you through it. You not only feel an improvement in your mood and well being but it actually seems to stimulate the desire to workout.

Complete Muscle Hydration And Nutrient Saturation With Glycerol Hydrating Polymers And Phospho-Electrolyte Replacers!
I tried NO-Xplode and it just didn't work like it says above. I got a pump, but that's about it. Nothing I haven't experienced before. Man, these guys really know how to sell shit.
I use this and other similar products. I do get good pumps but as to the mental focus I find that still must come from within. Marketing is king in the supplement industry. Some of the claims are rather funny.
Did you find that Xplode aided you in recovery or anything else besides getting pumped and focused during workout?
Thank you... BBB

OneBigDog said:
I use this and other similar products. I do get good pumps but as to the mental focus I find that still must come from within. Marketing is king in the supplement industry. Some of the claims are rather funny.
its ok, lots of caffine in it, like some said before good if you an early bird, overrated in my opinon though and over priced. if you take 2 scoops per day that only 20 days worth for over 30$'s OUCH. maybe try UNIVERSALS shock therpy , cheaper, and kicks me in the ass jus as good :-)