Notice of FDA action


New member
So I ordered some hcg and I guess customs opened the package. I recived a notice of FDA action. I don't know if anyone has seem one of these but it basically says they are detaining my package. There is a long article that gives me a breakdown on why they seized it. It also states I can dispute it. Basically I was hoping for some advise from experence or a legal standpoint on the best way to word my dispute letter. Or maybe just let them keep it. Any help is appreciated.
It's theirs Bro, if you dispute it your entering into a Federal Court litigation, which fines, jail time and such can be used as a judgement against you, it's best to let it go.
It my understanding that once a package is seized they also flag your address. Any package from over seas will be automatically opened. Customs sucks brother.
Just let it go and ask your source to resend to another addy, but i know people who used to order from me after they switched from another source whos package was seized and used the same addy with me and it was always fine, so i don't know if flagged addies are true...
I cannot imagine how they can track it on customs, it is possible only on local level, local postoffice if they ask them to log what you receive, but not customs.
get another PO box and see if the source will might want to keep the customs letter in case the source asks for a copy
I have received a few of those letters in my day. Consider it a loss and stay with domestic sources for your research.
I'm guessing about 6 yrs ago I got something similiar, it was my PCT. The letter said something to the effect of that the product shipped did not pass customs due to a medically prescribed thing. My source re-sent w/no issues or questions. Since then I have received probably 25 other orders (knock on wood),

But I concur, leave the sleeping dog alone....dont pursue it
I got a letter once, let it go and told the source and it was resent to another address and all was good to go. I started to use the address again about a month later and never had any issues. I think it's just luck of the draw when it comes to what gets searched