
Staff member
Anyone used this Novalabs brand of veterinarian steroids? or have you even heard of them, maybe im out of the loop but i seen some images of them on google with boxes and all, and found theyre suppose to be very popular apparently lol

Just made another thread on Den and Health and ALso Seen Biotech, all of them new to me, but all over google searches lol,

so how would you grade these steroid brands,?
Never heard of them. where is this supposed "vet" grade product made?
could be a home brew guy thinking hmm if I say it's vet grade people will like it and wont research as much as if i put human on it.
lol, no its mexico, making a come back like they had in the old days with all the vet gear set up, its very legit, very very very
I did a little looking and found

Also Bio Tech use to be a big sponcer on another board under United Anabolics but now is private and only has a few resellers now days. Been around for years.