
Good to see that many competitors competing! Looks like they knew they needed to do something or the sport would be lost, good decision!

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[TD="class: alt2"]If there was ANY question as to whether the new Classic Physique Division would become popular that question has just been answered at the first NPC National show of 2016.

The Jr USA has dwindled in numbered of bodybuilders over the past couple decades. In fact in 2015 this show had 3 divisions with LESS than 10 competitors in them. Well enter this past weekend's Jr USA and Bodybuilding 2.0 (Classic Physique) and that has changed overnight!! This weekends contest saw 58 COMPETITORS IN THE TALL CLASS ALONE!!! ...No thats NOT a typo.....58 guys in one class! Class C had 58 guys and classes A & B had somewhere around 40 competitors EACH as well!!! and the 2016 season is just getting warmed up. What does this mean for shows like the USA, Universe and Nationals?? Will we possibly be looking at a 75 man class?....is that even possible? Apparently so. We may be witnessing the rebirth of bodybuilding, only under a new name. The Jr USA has NEVER had a class of 58 bodybuilders EVER in its long history.....Classic Physique just broke the record its first time out of the gate. This is VERY telling.[/TD]
