Npp dose


MuscleChemistry Guru
Currently running

100 tren
100 test prop
100 master

Every other day

Eq at 600 a week
Drol 100 every day

I wanted to try npp, it'll be my first run with it. Any suggestions on : dose, timing, cycle length
It's typically applied ED or EOD so I'd dose it out to 400-600 weekly. I assume you're applying the tren and prop EOD so it might more convenient to draw into the same syringe unless the volume is too much. Like tren it's also a progestin so watch for prolactin sides!
That's a hell of a cycle. I usually switch out NPP for Tren.

Npp for 8 weeks then Tren Ace for 6 weeks....used that for contest prep and made me a beast