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I would like to know you experience using NPP, how much time does it take to kick in, to see results, what dosages did you run and the lenght. The reason is because I will start NPP tomorrow and I would like some real feedback from someone who has used it.
I would like to know you experience using NPP, how much time does it take to kick in, to see results, what dosages did you run and the lenght. The reason is because I will start NPP tomorrow and I would like some real feedback from someone who has used it.

i used eod totaling 600 mg per week. I felt it within a week and I loved it! Stacked with testosterone propionate , tren ace and igf
i used eod totaling 600 mg per week. I felt it within a week and I loved it! Stacked with testosterone propionate , tren ace and igf

Thanks bro. When you say feel it you are talking about muscle gain, could you be more specific than that? I will do 400mg per week first 5 weeks and then 600mg next 5 I guess
Thanks bro. When you say feel it you are talking about muscle gain, could you be more specific than that? I will do 400mg per week first 5 weeks and then 600mg next 5 I guess

nah no muscle in first week but it looked it with all the muscles round and fully hydrated and I was talking more specifically about feeling the joints ease up and relief as I have awful knees needing replacements so I could feel that almost right away maybe it was a few more days than a week, but it was obvious to someone with crickity knees.

I felt great on npp and I had taken the other hormones together many times and love them but the npp addition was Motoblur
I have liked using it on a bulk in the past. Problem is I usually have used with Dbol so not sure when the kick in rate is.............I was prone to a lot of acne even at 400mg a week.
twice a week isn't bad but my ass get so sore on 3x week, I feel like I have been to a gay bar.
I have liked using it on a bulk in the past. Problem is I usually have used with Dbol so not sure when the kick in rate is.............I was prone to a lot of acne even at 400mg a week.

Why don't you try NPP on its own? Dbol gains are full of water, why would you do it? Lean muscle mass gains are what we are seeking

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lol, pin the butt twice a week, and use thighs and delts also.

I'm pinning EOD and with no problems whatsoever
Why don't you try NPP on its own? Dbol gains are full of water, why would you do it? Lean muscle mass gains are what we are seeking
Deca and Dbol are a classic old school bulk. I wanted to bulk and control the water with anti-estrogens; it worked fine and I didn't retain that much water.

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I'm pinning EOD and with no problems whatsoever

I pinned EOD as well and just backloaded slin pins 31g with no problems and rotated sites from lower and upper quads to delts to pecs. No issue what so ever pushing oil through the slin pins. I could empty a whole cc within 5-10 seconds. I found that slower is better so around 10 seconds for me.
Are you getting into the muscle with the slin pins?

not if I go into the ass ( not sure how deep until I hit muscle), but I assume I am if I am hitting quads, delts or pecs ( even during the winter months I can see veins which mean the muscle should be close to the surface). I use a 1/2" needle.
not if I go into the ass ( not sure how deep until I hit muscle), but I assume I am if I am hitting quads, delts or pecs ( even during the winter months I can see veins which mean the muscle should be close to the surface). I use a 1/2" needle.
1/2 is all I use in delta and quads.