Nuk, how are you progressing? calf training? Aiming for heavyweight or superheavy

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Spill the beans man our stats are almost identical and we are planning to do the same show. All conceit aside I feel I'll be trying to play catch up, but have made some great progress.
Care to share your program or at least how the calf training is going? When will you have some progress pics up? I'm hoping for late next week and I'll get some poses.
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oh shit! Im getting called out. lol j/k. Why you got to pick at my calves? lol They are better than last year,but not like I want. I plan on bulking untill April, then diet for the show. Im hanging at a solid 265lb, have weighed 269. I will post pics when you do, haha. As far as what class, it really isnt going to matter to me, I mean if I can come in at 225 and be 100% crisp, I will take that. Im 5'10" so I feel I can do well in either heavy or superheavy. But I will tell you this, My hams and calves will still be my weak points and just from the rear. From the side they look good, and my quads will be ok.
here are two pics that are about a week old, they are small but you can still see. I will be using a different camera next time.
oh shit! Im getting called out. lol j/k. Why you got to pick at my calves? lol They are better than last year,but not like I want. I plan on bulking untill April, then diet for the show. Im hanging at a solid 265lb, have weighed 269. I will post pics when you do, haha. As far as what class, it really isnt going to matter to me, I mean if I can come in at 225 and be 100% crisp, I will take that. Im 5'10" so I feel I can do well in either heavy or superheavy. But I will tell you this, My hams and calves will still be my weak points and just from the rear. From the side they look good, and my quads will be ok.

Damn bro, you look thick. I mentioned the calves b/c you said you were going to try training them ED or EOD. Your chest is MUCH thicker than mine. I'm really aiming for Heavyweight. I'm trying to arrange for my photographer to meet me for some shots soon. My girl gets frustrated.
Nuk...upperbody looks great...if u can get ur lower inline with ur upper...u can do well at the national level...I have the opposite issue I'm bottom heavy...

I cant see you being a heavy next year...Im sure you will be a ripped 235-240lbs...I mean your a hard/solid 265lbs now, and im sure you will hit 270-275lbs...Plus you got all the way until next april to bulk...

I cant see you being a heavy next year...Im sure you will be a ripped 235-240lbs...I mean your a hard/solid 265lbs now, and im sure you will hit 270-275lbs...Plus you got all the way until next april to bulk...

you just made my day, lol
as for his calves, i think his upper body is just so overwhelming.
good cuts on your legs nuk considering your not dieting. bet they come in way early when dieting.