NukNuk one week out pics

I'll be surprised if you don't win, not trying to jinx you, but that's an impressive package you've put together
I'll be surprised if you don't win, not trying to jinx you, but that's an impressive package you've put together

Thanks, to be honest, I cant believe I look this great either. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror, Im like damn! haha Just hope it is good enough for the win.
It's going to be hard to top that's for sure. If someone were to come in that could beat you, they're going to be a freak of nature and should be a pro so I'd have to say you're pretty much at that level right now with the way you are now
Thanks, to be honest, I cant believe I look this great either. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror, Im like damn! haha Just hope it is good enough for the win.

I will say this, If you don't win then you got fckn robbed!!!!!! This honestly the best I have ever seen you bro. Those side shots are just fckn impressive.
Back lat spread is awesome!!! Your lats appear to tie in at the top of your posing trunks! Pose as much as you can this week, it will only make you harder and harder. If you show grainy it's going to take a REAL freak to beat you. Great job, very inspiring buddy
thank you for the comments. My trainer said I could do a cheat meal, but I just cant bring myself to do it. I want one, but I just want to stay on track also. Im so close.
I'm still in awe of the cuts in your quads on those side shots, I've never seen anything like that. I mean it literally looks like you took a knife and slit your fucking quad
I'm still in awe of the cuts in your quads on those side shots, I've never seen anything like that. I mean it literally looks like you took a knife and slit your fucking quad

Yeah my side shots are really good, they also make me look like a SHW. My front lat spread is also a great pose for me. Bitches better bring it, this year! First call out and in the middle is where I plan on being come pre-judge. BOOM!
This is the best that I have seen you ever look Nuk.. You are a MASS MONSTER BRO !!!!! You got this !!!!
Yeah my side shots are really good, they also make me look like a SHW. My front lat spread is also a great pose for me. Bitches better bring it, this year! First call out and in the middle is where I plan on being come pre-judge. BOOM!

Fck! YES!!! That's what I'm talking about brother! Love the attitude!
The very first pic is my favorite! Your looking great big guy! How ya feeling? Tick Tock!