Number of brothers or sisters?

One younger brother. He's like 5'5 and built almost exactly like me. The shitty thing is he's a 3 time state champ wrestler, Marine, and pro MMA fighter. He's the nicest, funniest guy you've ever met, but damn is he a fucking badass. Fortunately he doesn't want payback for all the beatings I handed to him when we were younger.
One younger brother. He's like 5'5 and built almost exactly like me. The shitty thing is he's a 3 time state champ wrestler, Marine, and pro MMA fighter. He's the nicest, funniest guy you've ever met, but damn is he a fucking badass. Fortunately he doesn't want payback for all the beatings I handed to him when we were younger.

The thing is, the ones that are really good in the sport are all nice guys and woman for the most part. I know Matt Hughes personaly since we trained at the same gym together and he is the biggest fckn cocksucker I have ever known!!!!! By the way, I have 3 bro's 1 adopted bro and 4 sisters. I have 1 bro that lives in the same town I do and all the rest live in texas.
I have a younger sister. Shes a psychiatrist that works for the state. If theres a problem child that a guidence counselor doesnt know what to do with they call her to deal with it. Shes about 5'2 and 110lbs and not to be fucked with haha. I pity her husband
1 little, I mean younger brother. He's 19 and about 6'1" 240. I haven't been able to call him lil brother since he was 15.
no bro's or sis's and i grew up in the country so spent a lot of time shootin hoops and playing with my imaginary friend we still talk on occation lol
no bro's or sis's and i grew up in the country so spent a lot of time shootin hoops and playing with my imaginary friend we still talk on occation lol

Ok now we know the spoiled one.. Lol.. I grew up in small town too and sure learned work ethics unlike the little bitches of today...

Hey Silk is she interested in the gym yet.. I think that would be pretty cool for a younger bro or sis... Sometimes.. Lol
Ok now we know the spoiled one.. Lol.. I grew up in small town too and sure learned work ethics unlike the little bitches of today...

Hey Silk is she interested in the gym yet.. I think that would be pretty cool for a younger bro or sis... Sometimes.. Lol
Funny you ask, just yesterday she sent me a text asking how to build muscle, burn fat and what to eat. Had to laugh to myself, because she thinks I can answer all that in one text...I called her and gave the basic info so we'll see. It would be nice to not be the only "weird" person in the family who eats healthy and lifts weights. Growing up my Dad told me guys want soft curves...they don't want to feel hard muscles on women. Needless to say I'm the only one in the family that has seen the inside of a gym.
Funny you ask, just yesterday she sent me a text asking how to build muscle, burn fat and what to eat. Had to laugh to myself, because she thinks I can answer all that in one text...I called her and gave the basic info so we'll see. It would be nice to not be the only "weird" person in the family who eats healthy and lifts weights. Growing up my Dad told me guys want soft curves...they don't want to feel hard muscles on women. Needless to say I'm the only one in the family that has seen the inside of a gym.

That's funny. I love when people text and want an email reply of a couple pages..I had to put a kabosh on my mom texting me like a phone conversation .. Wish shed get hearing aids and a boy friend at age

Well ,when your sister is hittin the gym I guess your dad will realize society has changed somewhat . Its cool you can show her the way...
I loved this post. The only thing that I can say is that even when you fight with your siblings make up fast. My brother was my best friend and only sibling. He died last August at the age of 32. We did everything together since we were kids. It kills me everyday that I cannot have a one on one conversation with him. Life is way to short and cherish every moment you have with your siblings. They know you better than anyone else and longer than anyone else.
I loved this post. The only thing that I can say is that even when you fight with your siblings make up fast. My brother was my best friend and only sibling. He died last August at the age of 32. We did everything together since we were kids. It kills me everyday that I cannot have a one on one conversation with him. Life is way to short and cherish every moment you have with your siblings. They know you better than anyone else and longer than anyone else.

First of all I want to welcome you to Mc bro. Second of all when I posted this thread I was hoping not to hear about someones loss of a sibling and I am sorry if I brought something up that I shouldnt have because every person feelings are different.. Appreciate your quote and you have all of us here as your bro or sis and no one here judges ones questions or thots..
I have one brother, 2 years younger than i. He is my brother and my best friend. We argue and judge one another all of the time. But in the end it's because we love each other. I live on the east coast and he lives on the west. We see each other at least twice a year and we speak to each other at least twice a week. We are very different, but exactly the same...if that makes any since.
I loved this post. The only thing that I can say is that even when you fight with your siblings make up fast. My brother was my best friend and only sibling. He died last August at the age of 32. We did everything together since we were kids. It kills me everyday that I cannot have a one on one conversation with him. Life is way to short and cherish every moment you have with your siblings. They know you better than anyone else and longer than anyone else.

Welcome bro and sorry to hear about your brother