numbness and tingles related to winny?


New member
Around my 8th day in of taking 50mg ed my palms started to get really red and tingley if that makes any sense, kinda like pins and needles. Then the bottoms of my feet started to get the same feeling, to where 10 days in it went all the way up to my calves and now thighs. My legs are falling asleep if i sit for 5 minutes and its annoying the shit out of me. I have upped my cardio and usually when I do a lot of cardio esp on an incline my lower back really starts to hurt so im hoping maybe i pinched a nerve? Winny was the only new thing i added to my arsenal of

Universal Rage Pre Workout with 1.5g arginine
Milk Thistle
P6 Test booster

Thats pretty much all I take everyday along with my blood pressure meds.

Can anyone relate?
unless you are using it inj in the lower body, I dont think its related to the winny,
Just an update on the situation.

Must of been a lower back issue. My lower back has been really sore (def from doing single arm cable rows) and once the soreness went away the numbness in my legs went away. Tuesday i did back again, and did cable rows again, and my legs are now numb and tingley again. I dont know if its a pinched nerve or what but at least i know what it is now
Well, at least until you train back again. It might be your siatic (spelling) nerve that runs through your leg. Mine is screwed up and my outer thigh into my hamstring is always numb