Nurish Vitamin Pack Review


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If you’ve ever checked out the vitamin and supplement section in stores like Walgreens, Target, or Publix, then you may have come across several products by Nature Made. The company launched in 1971 and was the first supplement brand to have a product verified by United States Pharmacopeia (USP).

The company is best known for its health and wellness supplements and several of its products have been ranked top 10 in the nation over the last few decades. Recently, Nature Made decided to offer a more personalized approach to health through creating its own vitamin pack subscription service, Nurish.

Here, I’ll provide you with everything you need to know about Nurish vitamin packs and also provide a closer look into my experience taking the online vitamin quiz. I’ll also provide an honest comparison of Nurish to Persona and tell you which brand I think is better and why.

Nurish By Nature Made Nurish by Nature Made is a monthly vitamin pack subscription that appeared on the scene in May 2020. Its vitamin packs contain around 5-10 different nutrients and supplements, depending on how each customer responds to online assessment taken prior to finalizing their order.

Nurish offers a variety of ingredient types including vitamins, minerals, herbs, probiotics, and specialty supplements, like CoQ10 or glucosamine chondroitin. Customers have the option to add in other ingredients after completing the online quiz and they can even tailor their packs to meet specific health goals.

How Does Nurish Work?

Prior to ordering your first Nurish vitamin pack, you will be required to take the online quiz. This assessment helps determine which nutrients you need the most and narrows down the total amount of ingredients.

Questions you may come across on the vitamin quiz include the following:

  • “On average, how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat in a day?”
  • “What area of health and wellness is most important to you?”
  • “How many servings of fish rich in omega-3, such as salmon or tuna, do you eat in a typical week?”
  • “Do you have allergies to any of the following foods?”
  • “What are your favorite interests or activities?”
The online vitamin quiz takes no more than 5 minutes to complete and less than 1 minute to calculate your highly specific recommendations. Once your recommendations are ready, you’ll be able to see which products Nurish has selected for you to take.

You can then remove ingredients or choose to add in others to further enhance your vitamin pack. After you’re done adding or removing ingredients to your vitamin pack you’ll be presented with the options to sign up for a monthly subscription or choose a one-time purchase instead.

In addition to personalized vitamin packs, Nurish also offers 3 curated vitamin packs that each contains 5 ingredients. These vitamin packs include Everyday Active, Everyday Relax, and Everyday Nutrition.

Continue reading to learn more about each of these vitamin packs!

Who Should Use Nurish? Nurish by Nature Made is intended for use by women and men who are 18 years or older. Individuals who may need to consult with their physician or primary medical provider prior to use include those who are taking medication or have blood clotting issues.

Additionally, anyone with allergies to milk, shellfish, or wheat should most likely avoid Nurish vitamin packs as they are packaged with equipment that also processes these allergens.

Nature Made Vitamin Packs

Nurish offers two types of vitamin packs: personalized and curated. Its personalized packs are crafted based upon each customer’s unique responses to the vitamin quiz whereas its curated packs are made to order as-is.

Curated vitamin packs by Nurish include the following 3 main options:

  • Everyday Active: Contains Multi for All, magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin C, and turmeric curcumin for $26/month.
  • Everyday Relax: Contains ashwagandha, 2 servings of magnesium, omega-3, and Multi for All for $33/month.
  • Everyday Nutrition: Contains Multi for All, vitamin D3, vitamin C, magnesium, and omega-3 for $28/month.
The following vitamin packs are examples of what personalized vitamin packs may look like based upon health goals.

Women’s Vitamin Packs Health goal options tailored to women include women’s health and pre/postnatal health. Ingredients that may be included within these vitamin packs include Prenatal + DHA, Postnatal + DHA, Cranberry, Women’s Multi, or Women’s Multi 50+.

Men’s Vitamin Packs Men also have male-specific ingredient options including Men’s Multi, CoQ10, Glucosamine Chondroitin, Garlic, and Ashwagandha. These vitamin packs are generally crafted to improve libido, heart health, and overall energy and strength.

Vitamin Packs for Bodybuilding Although you can only select fitness as a health goal during the vitamin quiz, there is a section that allows you to specify the frequency of weight training along with aerobic activities and general hobbies.

As such, many bodybuilders and strength athletes have found that the following ingredients are typically included in their vitamin packs to support recovery, enhance nutrient absorption and utilization, and reduce the risk of injuries: Omega-3 + Vitamin D, Chromium Chloride, Magnesium Citrate, Super B Complex, and Glucosamine Chondroitin.

Nurish Pricing Overall, Nurish by Nature Made is quite affordable for most customers. On average, most vitamin packs cost somewhere between $30-$40 before final adjustments are made to ingredients at check-out.

Individual ingredients range in price from $4/month to $15/month whereas the curated packs are available anywhere from $26-$33 per month. Additionally, customers have the option to select between a one-time purchase or subscription for their personalized vitamin packs.

One-time purchases are generally a few dollars more expensive so it is highly recommended for customers to try out Nurish and then decide to cancel or pause their subscription at a later time, depending on results.

Something to keep in mind while designing your vitamin pack is that an $8 charge will be applied for any orders that are less than $30, so you might as well go ahead and add on another vitamin and supplement if your order comes out to less than this to avoid the additional charge and since shipping is free for orders over $30.

Nurish Payment & Shipping Customers can use one of the following forms of payment during checkout: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, and Apple Pay. Currently, Nurish only ships within the US but is looking to expand its options sometime in the future.

Shipping is free for orders $30+ but an additional $8 will be applied for orders that fall under this total price. Additionally, this charge will also be placed on any orders that are shipped outside of the contiguous US, including Alaska & Hawaii.

After you’ve placed your order, you can expect to receive your first vitamin pack within 7 to 10 business days as it takes 2-3 days to process an order and an additional 5-7 business days to ship it.

Nurish Reviews Although the website does not provide any customer reviews at this time, I happened to come across the following reviews on Instagram of Nurish:

“There’s lots of travel coming my way this month (& year overall), so I’m always looking for ways to support my health even when I’m out of my normal routine. These vitamin packs are super convenient & easy to throw in my luggage, purse, or gym bag. Plus they serve as the perfect reminder to take my supplements daily!”

-Georgia Thompson

“As a dad of two and former pro boxer, taking care of my wellness has been a top priority throughout most of my life. Now that I’ve discovered Nurish by Nature Made personalized vitamins and supplements, maintaining my wellness routine has become a lot easier. With their science-backed approach, I am confident I’m getting the nutrients I need to support my specific goals – whether it’s having fun with my kids or maintaining my daily routine.”

-Niko Valdes

“Knowing which vitamins or supplements to take can be overwhelming which is why I loved being able to take the Nurish by Nature Made quiz! My personalized vitamin packs came right to my door and were created based on my needs. They help me to stay on top of my wellness and support my health and my lifestyle. “

-JaLisa E. Jefferson

My Experience with Nurish I was curious to see what an actual vitamin pack recommendation from Nurish looked like, so I decided to take the online quiz. It only took me a few minutes to answer all of the questions and obtain my personalized results.

Here are a few examples of what some of my responses to the questions looked like:

Q: “What area of health and wellness is most important to you?”

A: Exercise and active living.

Q: “How many aerobic activities do you do in a typical week?”

A: 5 or more times per week.

Q: “How often are you strength-training?”

A: 1-3 times per week.

Q: “What can we help you address?”

A: Stress, mood, brain health, energy, immune health, and hair, skin, or nails.

Q: “Are you planning to become pregnant in the next 12 months?”

A: Yes.

After answering all of the questions, Nurish recommended the following supplements to include in my custom vitamin pack:


I was also asked if I wanted to enhance my vitamin pack by adding on any of the following options:


Finally, I was given the option to sign up for a monthly subscription or select a one-time purchase. Here’s the cost breakdown for both options:


Persona vs Nurish – Which Is Better? Although Nurish offers an extremely affordable option for vitamin packs compared to other similar brands, I believe that Persona is the best option for personalized vitamins overall.

Persona Vitamins is the leader in the personalized vitamin packs realm and offers 80+ vitamins and supplements for customers to choose from. Not only does it have a more expansive selection of products than Nurish, but it also uses higher quality ingredients and incorporates an incredible amount of information, including medical records and DNA testing, towards your recommendations

*If you want to learn even more about Persona, check out my in-depth review here!*

In order to show just how much better Persona’s products are than Nurish, I’ll compare the ingredients found in each of their prenatal multivitamins as they each contain 20+ nutrients.

Prenatal + DHA by Nurish costs $15/month and contains the following key ingredients:

  • Vitamin A (Beta Carotene) 770 mcg
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 85 mg
  • Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 25 mcg (1000 IU)
  • Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopherol) 15 mg
  • Vitamin K (Phytonadione) 90 mcg
  • Thiamin (Thiamine Mononitrate) 1.4 mg
  • Riboflavin 1.4 mg
  • Niacin (Niacinamide) 18 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 1.9 mg
  • Folate 1330 mcg DFE (800 mcg Folic Acid)
  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 5.2 mcg
  • Biotin 30 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid (d-Calcium Pantothenate) 6 mg
  • Calcium (Calcium Carbonate) 150 mg
  • Iron (Ferrous Fumarate) 27 mg
  • Iodine (Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg
  • Magnesium (Magnesium Oxide) 45 mg
  • Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 11 mg
  • Omega-3 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 200 mg
  • Omega-3 Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 60 mg
Personally, I would not recommend for most women to take this prenatal multivitamin for SEVERAL reasons. First, the concentration of vitamin D3 is quite low for women who are pregnant, in fact, I would much rather see this product contain a value of at least 50 mcg (2000 IU) since most pregnant women actually need closer to 125 mcg (5000) IU of vitamin D3 daily.

This product also contains several vitamins and minerals in suboptimal forms that are less bioavailable and effective. One example of this is the use of vitamin K1 (phytonadione) instead of vitamin K2 (menaquinone). Another example includes iron in the form of ferrous fumarate instead of its more gentle form, iron bisglycinate.

Perhaps my biggest concern about this prenatal multivitamin is that it contains a whopping 800 mcg of folic acid. Vitamin B9, when taken in synthetic form (folic acid), can actually be quite harmful to the body, as up to 60% of the population cannot break down folic acid properly due to having MTHFR polymorphism. This condition leads to the presence of excessive levels of homocysteine which can actually lead to miscarriage and fetal abnormalities in some cases.

Finally, the total amount of omega fats are way too low in this product, assuming that most women do not consume seafood or foods containing DHA on a regular basis. This multivitamin should contain at least 600 mg of DHA and 200 mg of EPA to have a significant impact on maternal health.

Let’s now compare this to what’s in Persona’s prenatal multivitamin. Prenatal costs $25.20 per month and contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene) 200 mcg
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 25 mg
  • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) 8.33 mcg
  • Vitamin E (natural mixed tocopherols) 10 mg
  • Vitamin K (Menaquinone) 16.7 mcg
  • Thiamin (Thiamin Hydrochloride) 1.33 mg
  • Riboflavin (riboflavin 5?-phosphate sodium) 1.17 mg
  • Niacin (niacinamide) 10 mg
  • Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxal 5?-phosphate) 6.67 mg
  • Folate 445 mcg DFE (266 mcg L-5-MTHF)
  • Vitamin B-12 (methylcobalamin) 66.7 mcg
  • Biotin 16.7 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid (calcium pantothenate) 16.67 mg
  • Calcium (calcium citrate) 60 mg
  • Iron (iron (II) bisglycinate) 10 mg
  • Iodine (potassium iodide) 16.7 mcg
  • Magnesium (magnesium bisglycinate) 30 mg
  • Zinc (zinc citrate) 6.67 mg
  • Selenium (L-selenomethionine) 11.7 mcg
  • Copper (copper (II) citrate) 0.67 mg
  • Manganese (manganese (II) sulfate) 0.5 mg
  • Chromium (chromium (III) nicotinate) 33.3 mcg
  • Molybdenum (molybdenum (VI) citrate) 16.7 mcg
  • Ginger (zingiber officinale, root) 16.67 mg
As you can see, Persona’s Prenatal contains practically all of its nutrients in their most optimal forms, including vitamin K as menaquinone, vitamin B9 as folate, iron as ferrous bisglycinate, and even has other nutrients that weren’t contained in Prenatal + DHA by Nurish, such as selenium and chromium.

Something you may have noticed is that DHA is not included in Persona’s Prenatal – this is due to the fact that not all women want to obtain DHA from fish oil, whether it’s from dietary preferences or an inability to digest it properly. As such, Persona offers both a standard DHA sourced from fish oil as well as a vegan option sourced from algae.

Altogether, Persona’s prenatal multivitamin is $10.20 more expensive per month, but this is due to its use of higher quality ingredients that are both more bioavailable and safer for pregnant women to use.

One more thing I would to point out about Persona vs. Nurish is that I came across the following ingredients in several products offered by Nurish: Yellow 6, Red 40, Blue 1. Persona is 100% free of these additives and only uses natural coloring and flavoring for its products, hence another reason why I would choose Persona over Nurish.

Take-Home Message Overall, Nurish by Nature Made is one of the most affordable vitamin packs available on the market today. If you’re looking for a product that will help you supplement your diet and lifestyle goals that won’t drain your bank account, then you may want to consider subscribing to Nurish for personalized vitamin packs.

However, if you’re willing to spend more money on a higher quality product, then we recommend Persona over Nurish. Persona not only offers a more extensive selection of products, but it also uses ingredients in much more optimal forms that are both safer and more cost-effective to use in the long run.

Persona Nutrition [*] Selection [*] Pricing [*] Reputation [/list] Summary

We recommend Persona Nutrition over Nurish by Nature Made!

Persona Nutrition provides an ingenious approach to supplement customization and meeting the overall health needs of its clients. Not only does Persona provide personalization to each vitamin regimen but it also bases its recommendations upon the research and experience of a renowned team of health and nutrition professionals.

Persona provides high-quality supplements which can help with all areas of health and people from all health backgrounds may benefit from using their products I highly recommend taking supplements by Persona Nutrition.

Overall 4.7 Pros

  • Online assessment for supplement needs
  • Personalized supplements
  • Supported by medical advisory board and nutritionists
  • Mobile app available
  • Both domestic and international shipping available

  • Recommended supplement regimen may be expensive ($75+)
  • Delivery time may vary
  • Some countries have restricted access to certain products
  • Only available direct to consumer
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