Offseason progress pictures - Chris250


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Here is pictures taken today (10-12-12) my weight today was 275lbs (actully down a little bit from 280lbs) ... Mike believes I still could reach 290-300lbs, but I dont want to be a fat !!! Anyway, the goal is to be a solid 280-285lbs before the first of the year, then diet down to a very competive superheavy. (not worried about weight) All I want to do is just win my show (st.louis pro/am, and Iowa State) ...Then go on to Jr.Nats and Master Nationals, if I can be competive in those shows, and be in the top 10, Ill be very happy. I still have a good 3 months yet, to add more size, and Im trying to do that now, for the next 2 months. Then take the month of december to give my body a quick break, before starting prep.
Its amazing how much weight you have put on man, nice dedication on the diet and training.
Damn bro you are THICK! Youre also pretty tight for that weight. I'm pretty impressed. How are you continuing to eat enough to maintain that weight? Are you doing more volume? What's your frequency like?
hes about 5'11ish and force-feeding himself. however, thats starting to change with the addition of a new bag of goodies. You still have veins bulging in your back. Great work buddy. Yep, we have 2 months and then its time to set the course and keep it.
Damn bro you are THICK! Youre also pretty tight for that weight. I'm pretty impressed. How are you continuing to eat enough to maintain that weight? Are you doing more volume? What's your frequency like?

As for training my partner and I are doing a mentzer/yates type of training. We have been doing a 3 day split, and only training 3 days per week. sounds crazy, I know, but it has been working. To be honest, as I have gotten older, I needed more rest, and really just the intensity of the training, with heavy ass weight (heavy for me) plus lower volume is the key for me. As for eating, honeslty, its not super strict, or even at times that clean. I still have been eating burgers, and fries, or home cooked meals. I eat 6 meals per day, sometimes 7-8 on good days or overtime days (at work). I focus on getting 60 grams of protein per meal, and 50-60 grams of carbs per meal, except post workout (I do 80-100 grams depending on bodypart)...the rest is fat, witch is pretty high, cause most of my protein sources are whole eggs, red meat, steak, whey isolote (in mac nut oil, 2tbsp) and AnaMass shakes. If I eat clean, I will lose weight and fullness. My metabolism is still pretty fast, and I still try to get in 3 days a week of cardio at 25-25mins per time. So its a stuggle to keep it this high. But like Mike said, I have some new items to try out, and get this weight up and put on more mass. :thumbsup:
Look awesome at that weight man. Going to be exciting to see you come down. Only constructive critism i would give would be more tricep. Maybe switch up the training and hit them with some new exercises or weight/rep range. Legs and back look great.
Look awesome at that weight man. Going to be exciting to see you come down. Only constructive critism i would give would be more tricep. Maybe switch up the training and hit them with some new exercises or weight/rep range. Legs and back look great.

yeah my arms suck...I need to go get some Nuk arms....:rolleyes:
hes about 5'11ish and force-feeding himself. however, thats starting to change with the addition of a new bag of goodies. You still have veins bulging in your back. Great work buddy. Yep, we have 2 months and then its time to set the course and keep it.

Ok . So part rhino.part gorilla.. Rock on Chris!! Awesome.
looking thicker than i have seen and staying fairly tight. i belive the "offseason" cardio helps with that and more people should do it.

i think when you start to drop weight and your waist gets smaller your lat spread will pop alot more as well.

I remember reading about some health issue you had in the past, hopefully thats all cleared up, Has the attempt for new mass brought on any issues for you?
looking thicker than i have seen and staying fairly tight. i belive the "offseason" cardio helps with that and more people should do it.

i think when you start to drop weight and your waist gets smaller your lat spread will pop alot more as well.

I remember reading about some health issue you had in the past, hopefully thats all cleared up, Has the attempt for new mass brought on any issues for you?


honeslty no not really. I mean with the cardio, it has really helped...I did up my bloodpressure meds...I had to, and my doctor said it was time to up it, cause I have been on the same dose for a few years now. I cant do crazy high doses of super supplements, but its higher now than a couple years ago, but not when I had the heart issues, if I feel funny or just not well, then I will decrease dose, or take time off..which I have done a couple times this year, and needed to change things up...
Good to hear things are well for you.

Most people over look just how important blood pressure is.

yes, its prob one of the more important things to look for (and simple) when you up your doses, or get into a bulking phase and get heavy fast. Its the one thing I didnt pay attention to when I was younger and I paid for it, a few years ago.
thanks guys...Ill get some more pics in another couple weeks....Im having a hard time, getting past this 275lbs...but I feel like im getting denser, and somewhat leaner (not alot, but anything is better than nothing)...I need to start to clean up the diet, and get back to eating mroe bodybuilding foods, as I have been eating protein first, then every thing else in !!! But, doing cardio 3-4 times a week at 35-45mins per time, helps with the bulking diet...
time to make some changes to the show is around 21 weeks out time to get more serious with the diet, clean it up, and make some leaner gains...
20 weeks was about 4 weeks too long for me, but I was strict the entire time and did it all myself, I'm sure with your knowledge and Mike's help you'll come in with great conditioning and added size, much like nuk nuk has accomplished