Old School body measurements to current.


Arnold: Height : 6'2"
Weight : 235lbs
Chest :57"
Arms :22"
Waiste: 34"
Thighs: 28.5"

Sergio Oliva : Height : 5'10"
Weight : 240lbs
Chest : 59"
Arms: 23"
Waist : 28"
Thighs: 31"
Calves: 20"
Flex Wheeler: Height :5'9"
Weight: 225-275lbs
Chest : 56"
Arms : 24"
Waiste: 34"
Thighs: 31"
Calves : 20"
Dorian : Height : 5-10"
Weight: 268-308
Chest: 57"
Waist : 34"
Thighs :32"
Calves :21
Ronnie Coleman:Height: 5'11"
Weight: 330lbs
Chest : 58"
Arms : 24"
Waist: 36"
Thighs: 36"
Calves : 22"
Jay Cutler : Height : 5'9"
Weight : 275-310lbs
Chest : 58"
Arms : 22"
Waist : 34"
Thighs : 33"
Calves :20"
Phil Heath: Height : 5'9"
Weight : 240-275
Chest : 54"
Arms : 22"
Waist : 29"
Thighs : 30"
Calves :20"
Phil has "Old School" stats as well as old school symmetry
I hope the I.F.B.B. Continues this trend, . Sergio is my all time favorite, can you imagine what he would look like with todays technology ETC. all they had back then was Test. Deca, dbol, Parabolin, Proviron, just the basics.
Arnold was actually 245 lbs. He weighed himself in the movie Pumping Iron. I saw him in person once when I lived in Calif. and he is closer to 6' than 6' 2". I think these arm measurements are exaggerated, especially Colemans. I saw a girl with a 24" waist and his arms were not even close to her waist size. Very few of these bodybuilders will ever submit to measuring their arm size in public. At least I have never seen one do that.
Yea, and I'm sure he was over 250 in the off season. The point I was trying to make was ,looking at the ballpark measurements, and weight, you can see the progression to the massmonsters, who in my opinion looked blocky, and Im hoping the judges stay in symmetry game. I started lifting in the 70's, when you looked at the magazines back then you thought you had a shot at one day looking like that, from Larry Scott thru Lee Haney, but then came Dorian who ushered in the size game, don't get me wrong Dorian Had a great physique, but i prefered Flex Wheelers small joints , muscle bellies, lines and symmetry, i could talk about this all day but the point was i'm glad I.F.B.B. seams to be leaning towards "old school" symmetry, and this is purely my humble opinion im sure opinions will vary.
I'd have to agree that the mass monsters have taken away from what bodybuilding used to be, but it's good to see someone with a physique like Phil staying on top