

New member
Ok, I need some opinions on this one. I met up with an old friend of mine who is a bb this morning. He had a bro with him who is a pro bb. Wish I could tell you names but I can't sorry. We talked about AS useage on the pro level and he was telling me that I should not cycle off, but instead to continue year round. He told me that with monthly blood labs you can effectively cycle with out a down time. He said he has been doing this for six years straight without any health problems. Of cource changing up what you cycle and increasing dosages here and there. I had told him what I had cycled and that I was planning on my first comp in April. I asked him when he thought I should start my next cycle and he said right away as long as the blood works are all in check. I just wanted to know what everyones thoughts were on this.
I've seen people post that had tried being on year round (in the past), and who have taken time off (now), and they say they make much better progress now, cycling off.
It depends on what your goals are. If you want to be a pro or a high level amateur you really don't have much of a choice. But as far as health reasons go- with proper check-ups and if everything dose check ok I still would be concerned with permanent HPTA shutdown. Which means HRT for life. Now that isn't as bad as it sounds but it also most likely means no children. Again comes down to life choices.

I'm on HRT and my child conceiving years are behind me. I don't ever come totally off and really only come down to HRT levels for about 6 weeks out of the year. I do get the blood work done. So far, so good. I don't plan on doing this forever, but just until I get the competition bug out of my system.

Oh yeah, it makes a huge difference never coming off!
interesting info here

sounds expensive as hell to me, but i guess that comes with the territory on bb circuit.
I,m 50 yrs old and my last cycle(which was my 2nd),i was on for 1yr--test cyn from 600 to 1g wkly andfina 150 eod 2 1/2 months on and 2-3 months off--my gains were great---I believe because I had stayed on so long that my body was able to except my new growth as a 'permenant type thing",so my significant gains mostly stayed--as far as the post cycle thing--for me it was uneventful--I took clomid,and payed attention to not overtraining and eating and sleeping etc--there were only 5-7 days of feeling down,so it was foe me a great long cycle without any bad sides.
tugs said:
I,m 50 yrs old and my last cycle(which was my 2nd),i was on for 1yr--test cyn from 600 to 1g wkly andfina 150 eod 2 1/2 months on and 2-3 months off--my gains were great---I believe because I had stayed on so long that my body was able to except my new growth as a 'permenant type thing",so my significant gains mostly stayed--as far as the post cycle thing--for me it was uneventful--I took clomid,and payed attention to not overtraining and eating and sleeping etc--there were only 5-7 days of feeling down,so it was foe me a great long cycle without any bad sides.
