Oral trest


New member
Anyone here tried it in oral form. From what I've read. It's not as potent as IM but the only place I could find that sells it in oil form is out of stock
Anyone here tried it in oral form. From what I've read. It's not as potent as IM but the only place I could find that sells it in oil form is out of stock

let me guess, pureoils was out of stock lmao, thats my best guess anyhow as theyre always out of stock

and he means oral trestolone , like MENT or someshit like this

why are you looking to go this direction brutha???
let me guess, pureoils was out of stock lmao, thats my best guess anyhow as theyre always out of stock

and he means oral trestolone , like MENT or someshit like this

why are you looking to go this direction brutha???

no reason in particular just curious about the compound is all and I don't want to use trenbolone as of yet and hear trestolone is lower in side effects. I suffer from night sweats as it is and have occasional bouts of anxiety so I imagine tren would have a negative effect on me. And yes pure oils was out of stock.... lol
Dude I wouldnt fuck with these weird ass exotic compounds. fucking oral trestolone? Theres a reason very few people run that stuff. It's not all that special. Run a low dose of Tren ace and see how you do. If you don't like it for some reason you then you can stop and you'll be back to normal in like a day. Tren is wonderful. It's usually just the higher doses that get people.. 525 and above.. 1cc EOD (300-400) a week and i'm sure you'll be happy you tried it.
I agree 100%! i wouldnt fuck with the trestolone either, and would stick by the tried and true compounds, and agree low dosage of trenbolone acetate is well worth trying instead of trestolone. If any side effects arise you can have it out of your system in no time at all using the acetate tren
I still have two vials of trest ace that I have had for two years. I don't think you will see Pure Oils re-stocking. They say that they can't find a supplier, but I feel like there is something else going on with them.
I still have two vials of trest ace that I have had for two years. I don't think you will see Pure Oils re-stocking. They say that they can't find a supplier, but I feel like there is something else going on with them.

Well I will say this much, I thoroughly looked into the legality of opening up an identicle store as them, identicle as in same products, as theyve been around a good while now, and i seen their disclaimer and an uploaded note from their Lawyer, stating legal statutes for research chemical sales, and all kinds of shit, that in truth, impressed the hell out of me, and i was gung ho about bringing those type of products to our community here, and we had our attorney look at that legal notice their lawyer wrote up, and he said they are full of shit, the lawyers legal notice wasnt worth the paper or ink it was written with lol,

so i am curious how they sell that shit and get away with it, i guess its just a numbers game with all the various suppliers out there, anyhow, i wouldnt wish bad on anyone, so i hope they stay safe and never get into any trouble! But that business is a little more than Grey area , at least thats what our lawyer said lmao