Disputed Claim osgear.se estrogen issues


New member
I’ve been on osgear.se test and aromasin for the past 10 weeks. Dealing with weird sides didn’t know what they were at first.
As I’ve done more of my homework I’ve come to realize that this is high estrogen lol. Makes no sense cause I am running my cycle the right way using an AI. This makes me think either the AI is no good or my test is overdosed. I’m doing 1000mgs test and 10mgs aromasin 2x per week. So not my fault its their fault.

@CerKaso just posted this recently but we sent DM and email no response

In our view, The original claim by @CerKaso made FALSELY.

Therefore the claim above against @OSGear (Osgear.se) is deemed FALSE by the Administration:

LMFAOOOO.... really, a gram of test per week and you are only dosing 10 mg eod of aromasin and its their fault huh? LMFAO.. on a scale of 1-10 for absolute and utter ignorance, id put you at a million...