OT: 09/11


New member
as I try to come to grips with losing my bro whose being shipped overseas (officially activated this weekend), someone emailed me this site to help me (or enrage me) in order to realize why we're being sent over - I actually know why and with over 250 people lost from my county alone to the WTC tradegy - two things came to mind:

1) Check out this site - it's pretty powerful : America Attacked
*hopefully you can view it before the site runs out of bandwidth for the month*

2) What are you, or your company, doing for / on 09/11. I read in the Sunday paper that some companies are holding moments of silence, some are not opening until after noon, some having counselors on site, some paying their employees if they take the day off to volunteer.

Think of those who lost their lives or will in the battle for continued freedom and safety - think of their families and friends.

I had a couple of bros go over to the Gulf during that war, but this one is real close to home and hurts like a bitch (like Brovel T 100 right in the heart!).

Hey - thanks for listening.....

My company is holding a moment of silence at 8:46 tomorrow morning and is having a flag ceremony after that.

I hope your brother comes home safe. I have a cousin who is stationed is Saudi Arabia right now. he is in the Air Force. He was supposed to be at his Sister's wedding this past sunday. he has a new born baby boy.

I didn't even know he was over there till Sunday.

Prayers to ALL our troops and allies.

thanks all - - it means a lot to a bro to be able to jump in here and see his mc bros behind him, his family, etc.

so - fuck Bin Laden and let's keep this bad boy bumped for all of us until the day come and goes - of course without forgetting it.

thanks for the continued support to this bro and his bro.
Best thing to do is write and send packages.
I'm a Saudi Vet and believe me there is nothing but desert there.
A salute and a prayer for all there or going.
In a recent interview, General Norman Schwartzkof was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness towards the people who have harboured and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America.

His answer:

"I believe that forgiving them is God's function, our job is to arrange the meeting"
I am a military brat , and i am so tired of the ignorant assholes like bin laden taking my family from me.. I feel you bro.. I will pray for you and your family.. GOD BLESS.

Unionlineman said:
I'm with ya, bro! Was in the 101st Airborne from 78-82. Did the Iran thing with the Ayaasshole! Looks like Haus is airborne, also.
Airborne all the way........hooah.

i was in 93-96.........i was attached to the 10th mountain division during Restore Hope(Somalia) ,rest of the time was the 82nd Airborne.