Our MC mods......


New member
....have been working their asses off here lately to clear up this web of shit surrounding Chem. We're lucky that such kick ass bros invest so much time and effort to keep our backs covered...
Our mods are definitely the best! Heck, even Presser's not that bad, when he's around! lol
I am so interested in hearing what the mods say,...but it is soo hard to find topics that females like... I have some thoughts on the general topics but I would really want some info on diets and work outs of the female point of view. Thanks mods for posting bcuz I just learn alot of info from you...!!!:)
congrats to all the MODS.......I know that there is a lot of background shit that people don't know about.........thanks for the help that you provide to the game.
It's bad enough that someone would stoop so low as to try and hurt someone else's business. But to also try to intentionally try to hurt others that are not involved in this... is just downright despicable.

It pisses me off about the first part, it gets my blood boiling about the second part.
Bump to the Mods...for all of their hard work and dedication to this board!!!!! a big "thanks"
bigshug said:
....have been working their asses off here lately to clear up this web of shit surrounding Chem. We're lucky that such kick ass bros invest so much time and effort to keep our backs covered...

yep i 2nd that one. thanks bros
I have the highest respect for all the mods on this board.
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The M/C Mods are the best, alway's looking out for us, thank you guy's !!