Overcoming slumps and burnout periods in bodybuilding


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
We all get to that point where we've been working at a goal for so long and pushing our bodies for so long, that we get burnt out. The grind of meal prep, and finding time to get in all your meals during the day....along with putting in 110% in all your workouts no matter how tired you are from work. I can honestly say myself that I've had the bodybuilding blues a few times. Just dragging myself to the gym, with total lack of energy and motivation, slacking on my diet, slacking on cardio, skipping a workout, etc...The slumps can last for days, weeks, or even months...

You should always have a goal in mind....but how long can you really work towards that goal before you need a break?

What do you do to get back into it and get yourself motivated? How do you get all the cylinders firing again?

New routine?
New diet?
More gear?
Less gear?
Take a week or 2 off training?

Let's hear your strategies....it may just help out others who read this as well :)
hope ya don't mind but i added the words "in bodybuilding" to ur title, detail helps add to search engine indexing, thnx
My strategy is to rest for 3 or 4 weeks. The body's nervous system needs time to recover from the intense exercise.
Good question bro. After years of bodybuilding trial and error I think its best to skip a workout / save it for next day if your not 110%, follow what workout plan works best for you, switch things up when needed, understand when things are not working no matter what the Net says, focus on your meal plan 1st to overcome slumps, let your body rest ( PCT vs cruising).
Good question bro. After years of bodybuilding trial and error I think its best to skip a workout / save it for next day if your not 110%, follow what workout plan works best for you, switch things up when needed, understand when things are not working no matter what the Net says, focus on your meal plan 1st to overcome slumps, let your body rest ( PCT vs cruising).
I agree. I'm somewhat neurotic when it comes to working out. If I feel I haven't eaten enough that day or drank enough water, I'll skip the workout altogether because it seems like a waste of time for me to train that day if I didn't eat enough to grow. Strange I know, but if I'm gonna put 110% into my workout, I want it to be worth my while and I want to progress every time.
I have a routine that's not routine. I know what body part I'm working on next but my mind and body tell me if today is the day or not. If i need to rest a couple days then so be it.
if I change the sequence of my work outs that seems to help also. If my body thinks it is chest day but I throw down legs instead, that helps keep it fresh. I always train to standard,
not to time! work a group of muscles rather that a set type of movements. I love to throw a set of different dumbbell movements in. This is just what works for me but it stays fresh!

Great questions Jozifp103, interested to hear what others do....