Overlooked or Under-Rated Fat Loss Supps


New member
Ok, not including things that are generally excepted as "no-brainers" what fat loss products work for you that are slightly off the beaten track?

For me it's yohimbe hcl. Just upped the dose to 19mg, 4x a day. The trick to yo is to 1- take a really high dose and 2- make sure your slin levels are way down. This means no carbs.

What have other people tried and have had success with?
Had some decent results last year with Green Tea but it was the capsules due to the fact that you would need to drink 10-12 cups per day for the desired effect.
I like yohimbine hcl too. I seem to have pretty good results. Where else do you get it. I get mine at 1fast400. Anywhere else sell it?
speedracer59 said:
I like yohimbine hcl too. I seem to have pretty good results. Where else do you get it. I get mine at 1fast400. Anywhere else sell it?
Kilosports. Looking into getting it capped myself. The stuff is really cheap.

How high a dose do you go?

BTW: Love the side effect, lol!
I tried yohimbe once, I thought I was going to die. All I took was one 5mg tab felt extream nausea my skin was bright red, headache and lethargy.

A week later just for curiosity I tried a 1/4 tab and had about a 1/4 of the same shity effects.

this ones not for me
tenn0titan said:
T2 (great for burning brown fat - helps in reducing waist line)

CLA (cheap and also builds muscle)

You mean activating brown fat, lol!

Yes, I like T2 also.