Iron Game

Gold Member
Overview and History of Omnadren

Omnadren, for all intents and purposes, is an almost identical twin to the Sustanon product. Both are oil-based injectable solutions of Testosterone that contain a mixture (or ‘blend’) of 4 different variants of esterified Testosterone in a particular concentration/ratio for each. Sustanon contains similar esterified variants of Testosterone that Omnadren does, but Omnadren typically contains the following:

– Testosterone Propionate (30mg)
– Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60mg)
– Testosterone Isocaproate (60mg)
– Testosterone Caproate (100mg)

Hence this is why Omnadren is often commonly compared to Sustanon, which contains all of the aforementioned Testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone Caproate, which is simply replaced with Testosterone Decanoate (in Sustanon). The difference between Caproate and Decanoate is that the former is a shorter ester, and therefore a shorter acting variant of Testosterone that exhibits a shorter half-life. Unbeknownst to many athletes and bodybuilders, some of the very first Omnadren products actually contained Testosterone Isohexanoate and Testosterone Hexanoate listed as the last two variants in the mixture (instead of the last two listed above). However, these were not different Testosterone ester variants – they are just different names for the same final two variants (Isocaporate and Caporate).

sust 100%Omnadren is a product of Polish origin developed by the pharmaceutical firm Polfa, and was developed during the Cold War under the Soviet Union’s iron curtain. The final ester being different from Sustanon is a decision that was made in order to circumvent any potential patent and legal issues among pharmaceutical corporations, Organon (the developers of Sustanon) and Polfa (the developers of Omnadren). The typical use for Testosterone and its different variants is for the treatment of androgen deficient males (hypogonadism or andropause), and Omnadren was initially very widely used for this purpose. This treatment was almost exclusive, with the only other known approved treatment being pubertal delay in adolescents, and to a much lesser extent, female breast cancer.

Polfa ceased manufacture of Omnadren in 1994, but after reorganization shortly after in that same year, Polfa inherited its new name, Jelfa. The primary reason for such a restructure and renaming was due to the fact that there were various other companies utilizing ‘Polfa’ in their name. So while Polfa ceased manufacture of Omnadren in 1994, Jelfa continued to manufacture it – essentially, there was no change to the situation except for a change in company name and logo. Omnadren is still manufactured today in Poland, and it is very common to see this product on other markets in the same region in many other countries in Eastern Europe and the Caucus region.

However, there is one surprising difference today: every single vial of Omnadren that is manufactured today actually contains the exact same blend of Testosterone estered variants as Sustanon. This means that Omnadren is basically just a clone of Sustanon today. All of the old preparations are nowhere to be found in the world today. This means that the current preparation of Omnadren as of this writing today (2013) contains the following Testosterone blend:

– Testosterone Propionate (30mg)
– Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60mg)
– Testosterone Isocaproate (60mg)
– Testosterone Decanoate (100mg)

Chemical Characteristics of Omnadren

Omnadren, as previously mentioned is a precise blend of four different types of esterified Testosterone variants. Each of these Testosterone variants are molecules of Testosterone with esters chemically bonded to them at the 17th carbon position of the Testosterone structure. These esters used to be: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, and Caproate under the old formulation. Today they are the following: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, and Decanoate.

omnadren injectableThe addition of these esters slows down the rate of release of Testosterone into the bloodstream, which results in augmented half-lives of the different esterified forms of Testosterone. For example, Testosterone itself with no ester attached to it possesses a half-life of approximately 2 – 4 hours. When the Propionate ester is attached to it, for example, creating Testosterone Propionate, the half-life of Testosterone is now extended to 4.5 days, providing a slower release and activity of the hormone. Once in the body, enzymes work to cleave off and remove the attached ester from the Testosterone molecule, of which the end result is pure Testosterone free to do its job in the body. The process of enzymes removing the ester is what is responsible for the varying half-lives and release times of the different esterified variants.

Omnadren itself with all of its Testosterone variants as a whole is designed to provide an initial fast peak of blood plasma Testosterone levels in approximately 24 – 48 hours following administration. Following this process, blood plasma levels of Testosterone are to remain elevated for a 21 day period due to the longer esterified Testosterone variants in the mix[1]. The goal and the idea behind the development and marketing of Omnadren was to primarily treat Testosterone deficient men and with the unique release rates of Omnadren, this is almost exclusively what the product was designed, intended, and used for.

Properties, Dosing, Cycling, Side Effects, and Purchasing Omnadren

Omnadren, as previously mentioned is a precise blend of four different types of esterified Testosterone variants that at one point upon its inception held only one distinction between it and Sustanon 250. Because as of 1994, Omnadren is literally an exact clone and copy of Sustanon 250, it is literally considered a Sustanon 250 product. Therefore, all information pertaining to the properties, dosing, cycling, side effects, and purchase of Omnadren are the exact same type of information as presented in the Sustanon 250 profile.

Therefore, any readers interested in the information pertaining to Omnadren are advised to please refer to the Sustanon 250 profile instead.

TestosteroneTestosterone (AKA Omnadren 250)
Chemical Name: 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one
Molecular Weight: 288.42 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Original Manufacturer: Polfa
Half Life: 15 – 18 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic Rating: 100 Androgenic Rating: 100

Omnadren References:

[1] Product data sheet: Sustanon 250. August 31, 2001. Pharmaco (N.Z.) LTD Auckland New Zealand