Oxytocin figuring out my dose for bodybuilding


New member
hard to figure out the proper dosing online because oxytocin is mostly used by non bodybuilders.
But I want to use it for bodybuilding.
My plan is to use it while on tren to Help with the aggression and irritable feeling that I get while running a carb and calorie deficit on it for cutting.
I’m gonna get the spray I think. Should I run 24IU per day or should I run it 2x per day?
hard to figure out the proper dosing online because oxytocin is mostly used by non bodybuilders.
But I want to use it for bodybuilding.
My plan is to use it while on tren to Help with the aggression and irritable feeling that I get while running a carb and calorie deficit on it for cutting.
I’m gonna get the spray I think. Should I run 24IU per day or should I run it 2x per day?
oxytocin did nothing for me honest
maybe you need higher doses