Paging Glen Whitestone

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Welfare now, well lets see, it's a much needed service. Too bad there are so many other things that need monitoring in this country. Hell, all agencies that are monitored keep screwing up. I think most of the people out there who need it get it. Too many loop holes. I am not going to judge and say there are too many people on it who don't derserve it, I don't know. I think it is a shame that a good middle class family can be left behind however. You see this all of the time with the working class family that cannot qualify for any assistance because they may own a home or have retirement money saved but when shit hits the fan they are told oh well.
Good point GW. How do you feel about legalizing marijuana?
Go for it. I am a liberal, spirtual but not bound to religion to spoil my point of view. I think companies should be free to say they do not want their employees to use it and test for it. I would not smoke the weed personally, that's just me, never did enjoy it. But legalize it with restrictions and put the tax money to good use. Hell, we lost the war to drugs already. For all those who think we will be a nation of wasteiods well, you can sniff glue to get high and buy that over the counter. I am glad to say I do not know anyone who makes a habbit out of sniffing glue.
I ate paste when I was younger. Sniffed glue also. Now I can't remember my name.
Hey, thats okay in my book. I find my views to be what the modern world needs. I am surprised there are so many folks in this country that are so simple minded.
maybe they can make you a MOD for the T-Rex Shuffle Forum and you can rant all you want and we can laugh and laugh and laugh...
mikeswift said:
when are we going to see a pic of you and not that slappy moustachiod last of the mohicans clown?

I am posting pics after my next cycle. Daniel Day Lewis is a solid actor.