Pain meds to continue...


New member
Many years back i was taking pain meds all the time advil,tylenol 3.Now when i have pain i go get a massage since i have stomach problem so i can't take them as i over did them for year.But for injurys i like 2ui of GH great for joint pain.
If youre talking about Joint pain the following applied for me:

Adequan was a godsend for my joints especially since I was developing arthritis on top of pain from heavy work. I havent used adequan in about a year and it's kept it's effects.

Im hoping gh contributes to the cause like tony stated.

I rarely use NSAIDS but when I do i find Aleve works better than anything else for me When I need immediate relief from bad pain but I read it's harsh for long term use.

Back in the day when nubain was easy to get that was pretty good but many BBers used it and found it masked the pain and lead to injury which is why adequan works best to lube the joints with synovial fluid stimulation and cartilage formation.
I have had times I've had to take 3 or 4 alieve just to be able to do my workout.
Usually passes after a while. Are you hitting it REAL HEAVY. Body might be telling
you to take a break or different workout for a while.
I think its worse for you b2s because of the sport you are in. One thing I hear powerlifters and strongman consistently state is the constant injuries they have. Comes with the territory.
It always scares me when people start taking meds to mask pain.

Just be careful, a lot of good people end up becoming junkies this way.
bump that, I know too many people who've either gotten injured really bad because they were masking pain or ended up having a hard time coming off the meds from prolonged use.
Adequan is the shit.....I used to not be able to make a fist my arthritis was so bad....I did that 4 week stint of adequan last year and ive been god to go.......Way better than taking shit like celebrex.

Maybe you should take some time with adequan and HGH together the adequan for four weeks and take it easy if possible......go through the motions and let your the adequan and GH rebuild your cartilage and increase the synovial fluid which is the fluid that makes your joint flex and flow freely without pain.