

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So I narrowed down which thing is causing the horrible pain.... Suspension! anyone else have an issue with that?
If you do a search you will find a lot of us as well as members have that issue with suspension.
its swelling me up bad, any suggestions? should I mix it in with enanthate to dull it down or anything?
Welcome to my fucking world....I thought mine didn't hurt today when I put prop in with it, but now it's starting to hurt
well I dont know what the deal is but its 2 days later and the knot it killing me
oil suspended tne should NOT hurt at all!

Agreed. It could have EO in it and you're allergic (I am). Or it could simply be a bad shot. That's the shitty part about not making all your own stuff. I've never had a bad shot from home brew.
Agreed. It could have EO in it and you're allergic (I am). Or it could simply be a bad shot. That's the shitty part about not making all your own stuff. I've never had a bad shot from home brew.

fuck bro ur the first person other then myself who is allergic that ive heard about,lol, years ago i was told how great it is in being painless for any compound and ofcourse i had a horrible allergic reaction to it and it gave me what seemed like an infection but it was just my body rejecting it and swelling up and the pain was unbearable
fuck bro ur the first person other then myself who is allergic that ive heard about,lol, years ago i was told how great it is in being painless for any compound and ofcourse i had a horrible allergic reaction to it and it gave me what seemed like an infection but it was just my body rejecting it and swelling up and the pain was unbearable

My last one was so bad that not only did it knot up and swell and had me popping ibuprofen like tic tacs, but it made this thick swelled up archway in the top middle of my ass going into my back!! Looked like I had a broom stick under my skin coming from between my ass cheeks up into my lower back. Freaked my wife out. It was no where near the injection site either.
Wow so I guess im number 3 on here to be allergic bc thats exactly whats happening! is the EO in any other compounds? This shit is still swollen as hell, I had to call out of work yesterday bc it was to the point where I couldnt bare weight on it in the morning and today Im still limping, from sunday morning.... shit is crazy!
Wow so I guess im number 3 on here to be allergic bc thats exactly whats happening! is the EO in any other compounds? This shit is still swollen as hell, I had to call out of work yesterday bc it was to the point where I couldnt bare weight on it in the morning and today Im still limping, from sunday morning.... shit is crazy!

It's a crap shoot. You usually find it in high mg/ml products or hard to suspend products.