got closed down


New member
just want to let everyone know that their favorite sarms and peptide store is now shut down :(
paradigmpeptides is no more.
I think the owner got arrested for battery and is back in prison.
You are going to have to find another source and if you order from them it’s a honey pot, you will lose your money.
just want to let everyone know that their favorite sarms and peptide store is now shut down :(
paradigmpeptides is no more.
I think the owner got arrested for battery and is back in prison.
You are going to have to find another source and if you order from them it’s a honey pot, you will lose your money. = scam

umbrella labs = real
I hate these bad sarms companies they are really bad when it comes to products and service
Wow thanks for the FOUR MONTH OLD NEWS! LOL like this is something new??? Arrested for battery, thats the kind of person you want to order from right?