Iron Game

Gold Member
Mike Arnold jut put out an article about PED use over 40. This is a worth while subject. As we age our ability to process and tolerate these compounds changes. Some compounds that we use sort of drop off the list. I would say even if a trainer is over 40 or over 50 and still is willing to tolerate the side effect of some of these compounds he should still probably scratch them off the list. Stuff like Trenbolones, Anadrol, and maybe even Dianabol probably should be off the map. Winstrol probably should be as well since it is notorious for joint pain and kicking HDL levels into single digits. Orals should probably be limited in use, not just for lipid modulating effects but also stress on liver at high dose.

But I am not wholeheartedly convinced that HDL/LDL levels are all that predictive of heart disease as claimed as the original research was shown to be skewed purposely by the makers of HMG Co A synthase inhibitors. I think if your total cholesterol is over 300 or your HDL/LDL ratio is terribly skewed then you have some reason for concern. There have even been familial cases where total cholesterol was over 400 but the history of longevity was extreme as in these people all lived to over 100. So the cholesterol story is more complex than just reading a lab result and then blindly swallowing Crestor. Anyways Gotgame knows more about the topic than I do as he is an MD.

A word or two on trenbolone is in order. Trenbolones are sort of the psychopathic brother to nandrolones they bind hard and not just to the androgen receptor. They really much up the works. Cortisol levels skyrocket on this stuff. Breathing becomes a chore. Sweating is a problem. Not really thing that are appealing in an older man walking from the flat bench to the Smith machine. Let' just X this one off the list for the most part.

Winstrol.. In my more youthful days this was a pretty much magic pill but a we age we do change. Now it makes me brittle as soda cracker. If you want to go from feeling 40 to 80 in 4 weeks try 50 mg/d of this stuff. I have read a retrospective on Winstrol where the authors looked at people treated with it over 3 decades. These people did pretty well. Very low long term side effect but these people were on it for congenital angioedema and other maladies. Still 3 decades! The catch is the dose was on the order of 2-5 mg a day or every other day and during disease exacerbation's up to like 10 mg a day if I recall correctly. So, I would say if you had access to pharma grade winstrol then periodic use of up to 10 mg/d for say 6 weeks a couple times a year would be OK. WHAT YOU SAY 10 mg/d...POPPYCOCK!! Well let me tell you.. back in the day 10 mg a day of oral Winstrol V was insane! You get US pharma grade Winstrol and you need about 1/5 as much as some of these board warriors take of their Chinese grade pressed pellets.

Anavar: I think this is probably THE BEST ORAL for guys over 40. Very low side effects and a very nice cosmetic effect when one is lean at the start. Very full muscles, great pump, great increase in recovery from training and relatively gentle on the liver and lipids compared to most other orals. 30 - 50 mg/d of good a UGL brand is enough. Pharma grade you need less than 1/2 that.

Nandrolones: As we age, and especially with AAS use over decades, our sex drive is a little goofy... at least for some. If this is you then nandrolones are a little touchy. Nandrolone phenyl propionate is less a problem than the decanoate ester in this regard. If you have these tendencies then I would suggest using NPP over ND and limit use to less than 3-4 gram a year and probably best to limit use to every other year. This number is based on my experience. If you are free from sexual side effects from nandrolones then more liberal use is possible. Nandrolones are great for periodic relief of debilitating joint pain resulting from decades of hard weight training and sports wear and tear. There is some evidence that nandrolones effect dysmorphic change in heart muscle matrix. Some of these studies were done in rodent models at extreme doses so I think these should be taken with a grain of salt. but i would say to err on the side of caution and don't use extreme does. I would consider over 500 mg/w somewhat extreme. 200-400 mg/w can be really nice for relief of join maladies and give a nice boost in anabolism. Get yourself some pharma grade nandrolone and 200 mg/w would be outstanding. Sometimes 250 to 500 mcg of Dostinex 2x a week can help avoid the sexual side effects.

Primobolan: Very nice geriatric compound.No side effects. Sort of a cross between a nandrolone and a drier compound like dihydroboldenone or masteron. This is a great addition if you can get the real deal. 300-500 mg/w for a 10-12 week cycle is very good addition and very low side effect profile.

Masteron: For a more youthful sex drive and some hardening effects at lower body fat this is a nice addition. It can be a bit too androgenic for some so hair loss and prostate growth on it can be a problem. For older guys it can be useful but its use probably should be limited. For older gentlemen looking to add a little zest into the bedroom for that special lady 200 mg/w can be a real help. To guard against BPH and hair loss side effects 500 to 1000 mg of Saw Palmetto can help.

Proviron: Very safe and effective for sex drive much like masteron. It has almost no anabolic effect but can be great for "manliness". 50-75 mg/d should do it. It is a nice hardener at low body fat at doses slightly higher. As with Masteron, Saw Palmetto can help guard against side effects.

Test: This is the stuff we naturally run low on as we age and the older guys that never did a steroid in their lives seem to gain a new lease on life with addition of as little as 75 mg/w of the stuff. Personally I think addition of at least 150 mg/w is the basis for any use of AAS after 40. In fact just this as a solo will keep you in the game. Periodic blood work to check for red cell levels and general metabolic markers is a must as with all use.

Equipoise: A lot of older guys cross this off the list and this is usually because of it's effect on red cells. Personally i feel this happens because of some misguided brolore demanding that use of EQ should be no less than 16 weeks at 600 mg/w and above. To me this is a sure fire way to send the red cells into danger zone levels. People forget or do not realize that the original pharma vet brands were 50 or even 25 mg/ml. Doses back in the 80 with this steroid were on the order of 200-300 mg/w. EQ is nice on the joints, not as nice as the nandrolones, but if nandrolones are out of the picture boldenones (EQ) are a good substitute. 200-400 mg/w for up to 10 weeks, I think, is an OK rule. Give blood at the 6 week mark and don't stay on for long and you should be fine especially if you are diligent about your health and get your bloods done periodically as you should at your age.
Great write up, and you know now that im getting Older, I have been wanting to run equipoise (boldenone) again along with my Testosterone , I think its a great idea when you get into your 30's and up for the red blood cells alone