Peoples review on GH


New member
I am just wondering if GH users can share with everyone their experieces with it. How long did you run it... what dosage.... Side effects. Overall effect. How happy were you with it. Etc...
Currently have been running Jintropin for 6 months..still have another 6-10 months of jin left to run.

average daily dose is around 5iu..broken up into 2-3 injects..
5 days a week..
first month of use gain approx. 10lbs of water...stayed 10lbs heavier in the 2ng month...then after that, total body composition started to change.

i have dropped well over 6% bodyfat, and lost approx. 3 inches on my my heaviest i was around i am a very lean 240lbs+...
Dear GOD!
Either I am very jealous of the hookup that allows you to buy so much of that stuff, or you are just dishing it out.

my usual doseage is 6iu ed i run it for 6 months. i start noticing fat lass around month #2, when mixed with slin the benifits are endless....side effects were small scar tissue on stomach, swollen hands, also you recieve strengthened tendons and you sometimes can get growth gut..(but i have never expierenced growth gut)...MM
I have done one cycle of gh. i took 6iu ED for 4 months. Not long I know but funds are limited where I come from. I got a hell of alot bigger. Broke through a plateau that I'd had for over 2 years. I had been cycling up to 225 and comming back down to 208 for like 4 cycles. Then after a cycle w/ gh in the mix I jumped to 243 and have now been off gh for nearly a year and am sitting comfortably at 234. It seriously increased my genetic limit. My lats grew like wild. My lats where my biggest improvement as well as an overall look of having "mature" muscle. GH users will know what I mean I'm sure. I did not get any gh gut either.
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also I ran it w/ 20iu's slin 2x's ED and high doses of AS the fist 12 weeks, but the AS was nothing new to me...
winnie said:
so who gets this "GH Gut?"

I have been under the impression that GH blows up the gut (Igf also)-and that is why I have never wanted to use it. if there are more testimonials that do not experience the "gut" I will seriously consider using it.
I believe GH gut is a result of large doses over a long period. AKA ROnnie Coleman, that guy has a nasty gh looking gut.
I am especially interested in GH and Igf because supposedly the gains do not disappear like they do with AAS. But I definately do not want the "gut".
Used GH to assist in the rebuilding of my subscapularis in left shoulder after stabilization surgery. It worked well. I lost fat, gained weight with minimal aas usage (25mg dbol, 25mg var) for about three months at a low dose of 3IU post workout. Got sleepy after injections, skin was "thinner" looking and overall I was very satisfied. There was one set back however. It had softened up my joints so much that during a hockey game I quite easily dislocated my clavicle from its insertion point in the upper chest. Quite painful and took along time for my neck tendons to "shrink" back to there original length. GH is good, if you need it.
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I have been on Jintropin for the last 3 months at 5 ius daily on a 5 on-1 off pattern. The first thing that I noticed was in my waist it looked a lot leaner even as I was bulking. I made it up to 264 lbs and my waist still looked lean and love handles disappeared. Month 2 and 3 I kept getting a little more leaner and I was in a good mood all the time. Now is when I should really start to see more noticable affects during months 4-10. For the next 2 months I will be using 10 ius daily and then back down to 5 ius daily the following 5 months . These are my pros and cons of being only on for 3 months:

Pros: leaner look even if your eating is not perfect, better mood, a few wrinkles on my face has faded away, thinner looking skin

Cons: Price ( even the few who get kits for 200-220$ it adds up to mucho dinero over the long haul), Hair falling out ,swelling in hands( cannot get any of my rings off), tingling in finger tips can be a pain in the ass.

Over all I like it and will give a better discription of my results in the upcomming months. I do not think that it is a miracle drug that will turn a average bodybuilder into a pro bodybuilder overnite. Ithink that it can be very beneficial if : 1) Diet is good 2) training is good 3)Have good supply of gear, slin, supplements 4) Have some extra cash to burn on a 3-6 month or longer GH cycle
Hair falling out??? Were you on a AAS when you noticed that?? One of the coolest effects I had from hgh was new hair growth... I'm prone to MPB by the way.