Iron Game

Gold Member
What exactly was the point of Pepsi’s new design of this ‘dumbbell’ bottle ?? We have no idea. Pepsi transformed its two-liter Pepsi Light bottle into a two-kilogram dumbbell. A lot of controversy has stirred up on the internet about Pepsi’s new concept design, mainly about it being contradictory to what the product is.
Although It’s a calorie free product, this beverage is not what a gym rat or any health/fitness enthusiast would drink – especially during their workout. And although this is an interesting design indeed, it would have been more suitable for a sports drink brand (like the Gatorade maybe).

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We weren’t entirely sure this wasn’t an early April Fools’ joke, but we heard that Brazilian agency AlmapBBDO created the packaging and distributed the bottles to gyms.

Whatever the case is, we recommend that after drinking or whatever you do with the beverage, you can just fill the bottle up with sand and use it as a real dumbbell.
Seems like a cool idea, actually. In a world where even minimal differentiation matters, this is very different and will gain recognition. Which hopefully translates into sales.
This is fresh and the work of some great marketing. As long as it doesn't cost a ton more people will buy a lot.

I want one and I don't even drink that crap!!
i would like to see sales numbers, as yeah they got us all talking about the product, but in terms of actual sales, and if i was a pepsi drinker, i wouldnt buy this dumbell. So i wonder how well this sells against the traditional 2 liter bottle
i would like to see sales numbers, as yeah they got us all talking about the product, but in terms of actual sales, and if i was a pepsi drinker, i wouldnt buy this dumbell. So i wonder how well this sells against the traditional 2 liter bottle
It should be easier to carry 1 handed, so should do OK
first thing i thought was that thing would fall over in my fridge, so i guess maybe thats why i think i wouldnt buy it if i were into soda, shit maybe im in the minority and looks that way in this thread, but to me it looks like a dumb idea lmao
I drink Pepsi Max. Its 0 calories and double caffeine. I'm a bit of a stim hound!!

still spikes insulin and makes you fat though like any other soda. come on man, your better than that! be more like me and drink chocolate milk lmao, sadly im not kidding i love drinking chocolate milk, lol, and im sure its 10 times worse than your pepsi lol but it sounded good anyhow lol
Lol man I love chocolate milk. I can drink it until I'm sick. Lucky for me I'm able to avoid it usually.
Lol man I love chocolate milk. I can drink it until I'm sick. Lucky for me I'm able to avoid it usually.

dude!!! you nailed it! and I will and do drink it until my fucking stomach hurts, i mean i will make it so dark and thick with powder my wife says it disgusting but i love it and yep make myself sick from it lol,
Well, it's a 2kg dumbell if you fill it with *water* :) Having had the opportunity to work with liquid mercury in the chem business, (density 13.5) it would make a nice 27kg (59.4 lb) dumbell if the plastic could take the weight of being filled with mercury. Depending on the strength of the plastic, in theory you could make a set of different weights by filling with various density liquids ;P inner chem geek came out :p