Are they the same or different ? Can anyone vouch for their quality that is not a site rep? I am not a person who likes change but with pct shop being MIA I need to venture out and make a decision soon and was hoping to get some good feedback. Thanks guys in advance
I can vouch for Pharmacom our sponsor here. I do not know much about dragon pharma , but think they are a brand that pharmacom carries now. maybe im wrong, but i think i read that here
I am a PharmaComStore rep but I can tell you dragon pharm uses the same raws as pharmacom. I'm actually going to pin some DP primo 100 and 200 today I won't be able to tell quality for a few more weeks but I will say the proviron is great. I would be pinning the test C with the primo but my friend just called and told me he needed the 2 I have

As far as me being a rep for them I always share my honest experience and have even posted a few negative comments over the years. Hell I sold the pharmacom primo I was going to use and ended up placing another order for a friend doing a show loves the mix 5. If I thought DP wasn't as quality I would be using pharmacom

I know 2 guys on here currently running DP I'm not sure if they have seen this thread but here is one of there experience

Click link

I've used both Pharmacom and Dragon Pharma, and both are excellent quality. I got them from Phamacom and IronJulius helped when the shipping was taking a little longer than normal. I can tell you that I LOVE the Phamacom Mix5 and I've been using the DP T3, Proviron, Halo, Winnie, and Clen, and it's all great stuff. You can order from Pharmacom and feel confident that you're going to get great gear.
Currently running pharmacom test E and deca along with dragon pharma prop. The prop is great been on for 4 weeks, will not know about the other for a few more weeks but I'm not worried about it. Pharmacom seems like a great company.
I've used both Pharmacom and Dragon Pharma, and both are excellent quality. I got them from Phamacom and IronJulius helped when the shipping was taking a little longer than normal. I can tell you that I LOVE the Phamacom Mix5 and I've been using the DP T3, Proviron, Halo, Winnie, and Clen, and it's all great stuff. You can order from Pharmacom and feel confident that you're going to get great gear.

Pharmacom MIX 5 whats in it
It's a no ester pre-workout blend of tren, test, and stanozolol. I'll tell you, my workouts are killer when I take 1ml about an hour before my workout.

Im not following? The entire blend are all “base steroids” ? I didn’t know stanozolol came without an Ester?
Yes there are both water based and oil based suggested to take an hour or 2 preworkout. There was a girl on another board doing a log on winny inject and she couldn't stand that pain of the water based and so she switched to oil and made a huge difference. I actually have some dragon pharm I plan to mix with tren base for my own preworkout mix as I agree that mix 5 makes for some intense training
Got my batch of Pharmacom Mix 5, and I'm loving the gym, even on leg and back days... I feel unstoppable and I'm getting leaner and stronger at the same time. I'm trying to figure out what my superhero identity and costume will look like after my 5 bottles of mix are done. LOL