Phil Heath Guest Posing At the 2016 NPC Phil Heath Yellowstone Classic

Iron Game

Gold Member
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He really looks bulky here. Showing a little bit of a distended belly also. I saw a You-Tube video of him in a gym about 6 mo. before the 2016 Mr. Olympia contest. He was quite a bit smaller then. Arms and shoulders were down considerably. Just another reminder of how drug dependent large muscle size is. I think the body's weight is like 70% water. So large muscle mass is going to be holding water. Testosterone keeps this water in the muscle.
Just looked up body water % on the internet. Wikipedia says it is 70%. A site called Chemistry says it is 60% for men and 55% for women. However the muscles are 79% water by weight. This is why you lose muscle size so fast after going off the drugs. The muscles can't hold this water anymore without hormone help.
I looked for that video I saw, but couldn't find it. There are over 500 Phil Heath videos on You-Tube. It was the one where he was in a gym, wearing a t-top and being interviewed by a guy. He was complaining of being tired all the time and having tendonitus in his elbows. His arms looked 3" smaller than this video. I think it was a few months after the 2015 Mr. Olympia.
This video shows him in the off season and he is not as big. His shoulders don't bulge out like in other videos. Almost all the videos of him on You-Tube show him in contest shape. But obviously he dosen't stay that way all the time.
