Phil Heath WTF???


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What a difference from last year! I think he'll be somewhere in the top 3, along with victor and dexter.
i think he will take it to be honest ive been watching him pretty closely this year he look so much better this year. I cant believe the improvements hes made.
His arms have to have grown 6"!!! Unbelievable! With his shape and that size... man, he will be very hard to beat...
the side shot looks awesome, he looks like he has a 28 inch waist wonder what he weighs in these pics
we should put him next to the baseball players they are trying to hang and see what
the 'accusers' have to say then!! lol
haha no shit man. I got into a heated argument with a guy on my local forum the other day about gear and bodybuilding. He was talkin noise that none of us should be respected etc. I just finally clicked the ignore button being a local forum didnt want any info out in the open.
"lefty is a little stronger than the right"

"whats that from? All those single days?

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