Phosphagen HP


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So I've been using this for the last 4 weeks or so and I have to say, it sucks. No measurable results what-so-ever.

Also, their product Betagen has done nothing for me either
I love phosphagen hp, its creatine right, however its been years since i tryed
maybe did u do the load phase, i know alot of people say u dont need to but when i used it i loaded it and it worked
yeah buddy I loaded.

I got some Metrx in the mail the other day and I'm going to try it out and compare.
NAIR said:
yeah its creatine. Perhahps I just don't respond well
yea, that stuff sucks for me too. but buddy used it and says it puts 5lbs on him in a week. :rolleyes:
dreww said:
yea, that stuff sucks for me too. but buddy used it and says it puts 5lbs on him in a week. :rolleyes:

ha, same thing for me- the whole reason I tried it out in the first place!
body2see said:
I wonder if they changed the formula (EAS)...Years ago, say in 96-1998 all I ran was phosphagen and my results were phenomenal from the stuff...No joke, unbelievable strength and endurance from that and EAS HMB combined.

Same here, about the same years too. The HMB I coundnt really put my finger on how much it helped, but the creatine increase in weight and performance was immediate.
Free, know a guy who works at a sup. shop! :) Ill see if hes got any in stock and if so ill try and get ya one if ya want?