Picking up chicks on myspace 101


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Ok, first off im retired. But, i have some good info from someone i know...

first off, click (single) and put in your zip. Dont go beyond 10 miles from your zip code. then, read there profile. A lot of single chicks say right on there profile that they dont mind people emailing them. Some chicks are gay, or they say they dont want strangers emailing them- dont waist your time.Pick up somethings that your also interested in or have knowledge of. Write that in your first email to them.

A lot of the time, chicks get a ton of people emailing them. You want to stand out.... so what i (i mean, my friend) started doing is accuse them of getting in a fight at the bar last friday night.... That would get them to respond almost 99% of the time. Usually its, no, sorry not me... but if your clever and send them something like, btw... i think your hot... it keeps the conversation going.

Now, you need to keep them on a secure level. Picking up chicks on myspace is pretty scummy. So you need to keep up a disguise. After small conversation, point out where your going the following friday night (make it public) say, there's lots of other good looking men (keeping it unthreatning)... tell them you'll buy them a beer if they go.... (gives the assurance)...

important note. Only ask 1 chick per night. You dont need 2 or more chicks showing up at the bar and hanging on you till they find out what your gig is.... you'll be going home alone if that happens. :arcade:

so this is your first lesson. I know its a little late since myspace has been around for like ten years. But it took a lot of trial and error to come up with these simple rules.... btw, i've (heard) that myspace beats any of the other sites like adult friend finder, for finding chicks....

good luck to all you horney bastards!!
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ugly ugly ugly.... what's myspace? ... lol ... i guess it's good info, but i'll never use it... no need.. thanks anyway brotha! ...

- right NaughtyCowgirl?-
Watch out for the chick called "Brenda, the DD Beast, sure to please!" - It's really
Irishpride. (Dont ask how I found out)
Sounds good, but I live in a piece of shit town. Try using 58701 for the zip and see what kind of single women you come up with. I either know em or don't want anything to do with em. Damn, I can't wait to move!
Better yet do your homework!! Go in "undercover"!!! I made up a fake myspace page under a chicks name and good pic. I browsed the net and stole a pic of a hot little goddess!! I would get 20 emails a day from all kinds of dudes. Nearly all of them used the same lines. If you do that long enough you will eventually get a couple good ones you can learn from. I dont recommend using it to find any good girls , its kinda like meeting them at a bar but with ALOT more drama! If a girl is even half way average they will get hits all day long on myspace. Its a numbers thing. I would send out 20 emails a day but only get about 5 or 6 replys and out of that 1 or 2 would come through for some ass. Good luck on mydrama I mean myspace.
teedubgee said:
Sounds good, but I live in a piece of shit town. Try using 58701 for the zip and see what kind of single women you come up with. I either know em or don't want anything to do with em. Damn, I can't wait to move!

I did.... Candy is 26 and single! WOW she is hot!!! I would almost make the drive for that!
Hey you shits - if one of you ass's hits on my 13 year old daughter I'll be pissed!!
I could just hear Irishpride now "But Dude, she said she was almost 14!!"
Local124bro said:
You should get her OFF myspace!! Or at least get her passwords so you can check up on her!
Seriously - it is off limits for her. Our computer is right off our kitchen so
we can monitor it pretty good (she probably has sneaked there a few times
if she is anything like me) Her school had the FBI do a presentation last
year about Myspace. WOW - Two of the FBI'ers (one man one women)
would spend their day on myspace as young girls. At the presentation
they got online and we (the parents) picked one of the girls on the site.
Within 10 minutes on manuvering around and going thru her past posts
they had her age, address, what time she got home from school (about
2 hrs before her parents) and other shit. WOW. Our neighbors had their
daughter run away (around 14) - they read her diary and found out she
was sneaking older boys into her room downstairs that she meet on
myspace. If you got kids its good to be educated.