Pink Tai's VS Romanian Napisom's


Mc Vet
Pink Tai's VS Romanian Napisom's

For those of you who have tried both
which do you concider better, or more potent????

I've tried the Nap's I was just wondering how they compare?
I never tried either, but here so much better stuff from the Thai's
CzarShel, I have used both before and noticed little difference. As flanker mentioned, Methandienone is Methandienone. Both legit BD and Naposim are properly dosed and seem equally potent.
I believe Methandrostenolone add's a little more aggresion to my workouts. If you are after that, then look at russian dbol.
thais for me.
i hate methyl test. i swell like a balloon on them, mostly like anadrol is what it reminds me of.
Pink Thais

I prefer the thais actually. I had harder gains with less water retention with those. The naps made me swell and hold more water too. As far as the aggression during workouts, would have to go with the naps. They are good too. Overall I would have to go with the Thais, but it is close. Can't go wrong with either one.
strider said:
thais for me.
i hate methyl test. i swell like a balloon on them, mostly like anadrol is what it reminds me of.
bump that..if i want methyl test i'd go out and buy mehyl test..d-bol is great stuff though..