Pinning the same spot?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
How long do you guys wait before pinning the same spot again? Right now I am using all long esters so it's not much of a problem. Using quads, glutes, and delts I go two weeks before hitting the same place. Next cycle I want to use short esters though but don't want to pin the same site too often (don't want an abscess). Just wondering what you guys consider a safe time span.
I try to only hit the same spot once a week. It's tough sometimes, but that's what I shoot for, doesn't always happen that way though
I use prop/tren EOD and rotate both triceps and both glutes and an once a while in calf or delt but both latter sites can really hurt for a while. But the first 2 sites work just fine for me
I dont see how that would give you an abcess, just more scar tissue
I looked something up and posted it, seems like it has to do with not absorbing what is put in, but it just hardens anstead of staying as a fluid filled sac
I looked something up and posted it, seems like it has to do with not absorbing what is put in, but it just hardens anstead of staying as a fluid filled sac

Yeah, basically if the oil isn't completely absorbed (ie. too much at one injection, or too frequent injections in the same place), it can cause a sterile abscess which turn into what you just described.
I know, that's why I wanted to make sure I space out same site injections enough so that it shouldn't be a problem.
Just try not to hit the exact same spot. Abscesses don't really happen that often. I think I've only had one in 13 years of pinning, and that was from a reaction to the gear, not having too much in there.
Just try not to hit the exact same spot. Abscesses don't really happen that often. I think I've only had one in 13 years of pinning, and that was from a reaction to the gear, not having too much in there.

Ok, they just scare me a little, lol. Thanks for the input.
I have spots where its like leather, u poke the skin and the pin doesnt go in lol
If you would happen to get the sterile absess, what's the correct way for getting rid of it? I'd assume that an ultrasound machine would work?!?
I hit only glutes right now only just about, just hrt doses, when i start a new cycle ill hit delts and glutes. I dont do quads anymore have hit nerves too many times. Deep tissue massage in that spot should break up alot of the scar tissue and the body will carry it away from the site from what i have read, havent tried it personally so once every six months or so just get a deep tissue on your inject sites, wouldnt advise telling the massage therapist why your choosing those spots though lol.
I hit only glutes right now only just about, just hrt doses, when i start a new cycle ill hit delts and glutes. I dont do quads anymore have hit nerves too many times. Deep tissue massage in that spot should break up alot of the scar tissue and the body will carry it away from the site from what i have read, havent tried it personally so once every six months or so just get a deep tissue on your inject sites, wouldnt advise telling the massage therapist why your choosing those spots though lol.

Dude, where have you been?

Thanks for the advice!