Planet Fitness removing Squat Racks



Planet Fitness regularly touts how it’s not like all the other gyms and encourages soft people to indulge in its purple haze of mediocrity. And now they’re taking it one step further: Getting rid of squat racks for being “intimidating.”


Flickr/Nicholas Eckhart

Redditor Kalerad posted his problem with Planet Fitness’s overly all-inclusive philosophy on the site’s Fitness subsection.

“I walked in noticing the outline of dust on the floor where the squat rack once stood. I was heartbroken. Especially since I had just recently found a love for squatting.

“I of course had to ask an employee “WTF?” He regretfully told me that a few days prior corporate came in and removed it because ‘a customer complained that it was intimidating.’”

The move is one of many — along with offering free pizza and bagels and tanning beds — to lure in the casual gym goer who might be turned off by gyms being a little too “fitness oriented.”

Either way, if you want to do serious workouts at any point in your life, make sure to avoid Planet Fitness. And if you’re the type of person who’s intimidated by a series of metal rods that make people stronger and healthier, we’re probably all better off if you remove yourself from society’s gene pool.
I may join for the pizza and bagles.
I know right. between the free food and tanning it might actually be worth it. :laugh:

but seriously I'm so glad this place exsists. this way those people wouldn't be in the commercial gym I go to sometimes taking up space.

I find it interesting/funny/disturbing all at the same time about places/groups like this. they claim to be "all inclusive" and welcoming but the first thing they do is exclude a group of people. it's so childish. like when you were a kid and a friend wouldn't let you into his fort in the woods so you'd go build your own fort next to his and tell him he's not allowed in yours. or even worse(sorry if anyone doesn't like this but it's the truth) people that go to all girls schools or all black schools and bitch about equality. really? the hipocrisy(sp) is so blantant and obvious it makes my toes hurt. same with Planet Fitness.

Hard to beleive that former Mr Universe Mike Katz owns at least one of these shitholes in Connecticut. They must make some $$ though....Wow, what they going to do next? Remove all workout equipment and just have people push a ball back and fourth while they eat?
Finallly something lower than a gonnerha germ.....
I bet they do make some serious $$$. Upkeep has got to be nil compared to other gyms. Their equipment never breaks and general wear and tare would need low as well. Plus people probably never go much anyways
For $10 a month I could have a lot of fun just going in there and fucking shit up.

Hell I could bring my own deadlift bar right through the front door, deadlift 600 lbs and slam that bitch into the ground and scream lightweight mother fuckers as I did it.

Next I'd find some fat kid on an ab machine and count his reps with "tubby tubby" after each rep.

I'd seriously be up for doing that. I'd get kicked out on the first day but for the price of the movie it would be a lot more entertaining.
I want to try and join only to get denied. Then sue for hurting my feelings or whatever it is societies leeches sue for these days. Then I could live the rest of my life training and taking vacations.
you guys remember they use to have a Pizza night lol, it was years ago but yeah they had a National commercial advertising Pizza night and the trainer in the commercial said we try not to take dieting to serious here at Planet Fitness lol,

what the fuck is wrong with these people, whats the difference in denying a guy with muscles from signing up there or denying a gay or black man? Its all BS