Positves and Negatives of DC training


New member
If you could pick out the things you like and dislike with the DC training program, what would it be? Im going to start this program next week and I wanna get everyones feedback.
I am going to try to convince my partners to start with me next week too... BTW has anyone used this method for pre-contest???
I like pretty much everything about this way of training like strength increases each workout and that translates to greater size increases as you go. The only thing I dislike is that I'm still getting used to the intensity--I have to be careful that I don't overtrain.
kdog said:
I am going to try to convince my partners to start with me next week too... BTW has anyone used this method for pre-contest???
supermannpc doesnt train dc, he does yates style. yes i used this all the way up to showtime, increasing the weight the whole time. only thing i changed was about 2 weeks out, i switched to straight sets instead of rest pause.

some people dont like the fact that there freedom is taken away. whatever is on your plate for that day is the work you have to do.
kdog said:
I am going to try to convince my partners to start with me next week too... BTW has anyone used this method for pre-contest???
i didn't use it training for a contest, but did get pretty lean this summer while dieting down.

this is the only program that I have ever used where I GAINED strength while dieting. I did start to plateau when I got to my leanest (7-8% bf) but still, usually I lose strength real bad after getting below 10%.