Possile Hernia...


I was deadlifting last night and I think I may have got a slight hernia. My first workset went fabolous, heavier than last week. Form was great, that is, until my last rep - my back started to round so I stopped.

I went to load on more weight for my heavy-heavy workset and it felt like my pubes were caught in my shorts. I checked it out and my hair was fine. I felt around to see where the pain was coming from and under the skin I felt a small, oval lump about the size of a pea. It almost felt like a fattie deposit.

I'm probably going to see the doc on Monday.

What can be done in the event of this being a hernia? And how long will I be out? Could this be something else besides a hernia?
A big percentage of the athletic population has one or more herniated disks, with or without symptomatology..
Sorry... But a herniated disk cannot be 100% back in the previous normal condition.. In other words the slipped part cannot return in place... After time, and if you follow a wise protective program, the extrusion can be dehydrated and become like a painless, dry, shrinked, raisin.. The problem with the herniated disks is the inflammation of the adjacent neuric roots.. So it is good to find the origin and the direction of the hernia as well as the implicated nerves by conducting X-Ray and magnetic tomography..
A qualified doctor in conjuction with a physical therapist can prescribe you the proper corrective, rehabilitative exercises..

Be healthy and strong, brother
Oh I was misleaded

Sorry I didn't understand well the description of your problem. Now I see..

You are talking about bubonocele or inguinal hernia.. There is a chance that is not hernia.. Maybe it is some small lipoma or some inflammation of the inguinal canal ..

It is possible to have some little rupture in the area.. because the increase of your intra-abdominal pressure (Valsalva maneuver) during the deadlift is enormous and it is possible for the bowels (small intestines etc) to extrude if there is not enough inwards pressure from the contraction of ab musculature..

You must get medical advice soon.. But don't worry it is not such a big deal..

Keep us informed..
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see a dr
soon it most def is a hernia in my opinion (IM RARELY WRONG0
molecular man w/ adrespect it can and will get worse i can asurew you of that jaywooley's a bomber and heavey wieght stesses all over. The weakest linc will break, that is the herniated area, the rupture will worsen.
yeah, it sounds like a hernia. they can take care of them fairly eaisly now and it sounds like it's a very small one. they can get quite bad (very, very large) if untreated so I'd go to the doc and see what they say and what your options are. good luck.
had one

hey i had one on my left side about 12 years ago the only draw back to a repair surgery is i can't go gonzo with the heavy weight .if you don't have it fixed the pain only gets worse.it's well worth about 8 weeks off.good luck
Sounds like an inguinal hernia.....Mace had one a few years back...he had surgery on Wednesday and was back to work on Monday. He was out of the gym for about 3-4 weeks...depends on how the doc repairs it. DON'T eat anything solid for an entire day before you go in!!!
I slammed my 110 pound curl bar 30 times as fast as I could on a dare and almost poped a hernia I felt pain but not quite , (thank god)
CzarShel said:
I slammed my 110 pound curl bar 30 times as fast as I could on a dare and almost poped a hernia I felt pain but not quite , (thank god)

110lb curl bar for 30 times? Your warmup right? JK. That fast shit will kill you bro.
Not a hernia, just a slight strain of something or another. Lifted today and felt good, just a bit of the pulling feeling now. Doc said it was okay to lift though...