post tren breakout


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I never really break out that bad on any AAS, or more likely, when coming off any AAS (never really break out when on, only when coming off).

Ive noticed some acne when I came off of tren, but Im still on test. Its not real bad, but then again Im thankful that I never break out real bad.

Has anyone else experienced this when coming off of tren, even though Im still on test and didn't take clomid or anything else to cause the acne?

its been so long since I had used tren (and never use tren e like i did this time), I dont really have a reference point.
My back is all broken out right now and i dont know why lol. Ive been on for around 2 months now, and in the last week, im getting red bumps all across my upper back and shoulders. They arent the ones with white shit in them either, just rep bumps. Im finishing up my tren this week, so im hoping it will clear up, but who knows.
tren,and deca allways give me acne( red bumbs like previously stated). The only other product that gives me acne is HCG. What helped for me is a combo of 750mg of B5(panthotenic Acid), Multiple showers a day, and tanning.
Now as for why this happens? Possibly due to nan and trens being very closely related too progesterone??? I'm not sure!!!

Just my 2 cents
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I never really have had problems with acne. But i do get a little bit here and there after cycles.
I get some acne when I come off just about anything, too. It all clears up once I go on cycle.
I always get acne when I come off cycle.This last cycle of prop and tren though my upper arms have been breaking out bad which has never happened before.
i f-ing hate acne! Ive been gettin it lately too... kinda sucks....
You didn't happen to shave recently or something in that area to irritate it? It took me three months to clear up from shaving my chest. I have decided to go "natural" for a while. I never get acne on but sometimes get it from clomid in pct.
i usually tan every day or so for 15 mins, and its still horrible...Ive never had this problem even with 1gram or more of test and tren both. Im kinda confused to say the least lol
no, haven't shaved anything. I only trim my hair...learned the hard way from shaving.

as others have stated, its the 'red bumps' kind of acne. but not like some of those guys get that you see at the gym....that shit is nasty!