Poundstone Versus Biceps


National Strongman Competitor
Had the chance to swing by Poundstone Power today, if any of you live in Connecticut or plan to visit, make sure you come here and get a day pass to train, it's one of a kind and such a motivational gym.S

So I ran into this video of Derek doing bicep curls, wondering what your guys thoughts are on these?? He always has used this ROM and I am not sure if it's because his arms are so big they can't go any further, but my biceps are significantly smaller and I can get a much "higher" curl, do you incorporate this ROM into your Arm Routines??

Also stat wise, I believe Derek is sitting at 340-350ish in this video, hes about 5'11" in case you guys were wondering.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/URcZVUw2VmU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
yeah he is a freak of nature for certain! As for ROM with biceps I see guys with massive arms do 3/4 range some 1/2 range, some full, so I always wondered what would be best for me as I always did a full range of motion and was always curious if there was a real benefit to doing say 3/4 range of motion. in any case he is a freak
I'm no where near his size but I'll sometimes do 2/3 or 3/4 range curls just to mix it up a little bit. The good thing about not locking out is your muscles are constantly under tension and usually feel the burn/pump a lot more. Not sure if this equates to a better bicep workout, but it seems it should. lol.
he looks good at that weight and the ROM looks good too...if he "feels" it more with that ROM, then stick with it. As long as theres tension, you are going to see the gains