Power Building


New member
After 8 weeks of training DC style, I have finally hit a plateau. I was very happy with the progress though. The big three lifts all increased.
Bench & Squats up 30lbs.
Deadlifts up 20lbs.

I gained 10lbs...am up to 200 now. I'm guessing 1/2 of that is muscle. I did put on a bit of fat, but I don't blame DC for that. It's my lack of cardio and somewhat poor diet. A few too many pizza's.

I'm actually looking to switch things up and try some sort of Power Building routine. Anyone have any experience or know of any good routines. I'm looking for all compound movements. I want to incorporate Clean & Press and other exercises that rely on speed and power.
why not stay on DC bro? I think if you follow the routine you should be able to break through the plateau. 8 Weeks is awesome but I would consider sticking it out a little longer.

keep in mind the DC exercises are recommendations. You can add clean and presses' or any of your own exercises to the program or just create your own from scratch but train with the DC methods
Actually, after 8 weeks, I would take a week break and then start it up again. Can't go full intensity forever, you know. Give your body a break to recoup, and I bet you'll start gaining again.
I'm not knocking DC, it worked great, but I get bored with routines. After 2 months I feel it's time to try something new. I will definitely go back to DC down the road. I'm looking more for a routine that helps with explosiveness. Summer is coming and that means flag football season is starting. Maybe I will look up football training...
So are you looking for just like a strict power lifting routine? i got a few around here ill see what i can dig up. I would get bored with DC too if i were to do it for a while which i will in the next few months. But im growing right now so dont wanna change.