PPE for Ebola Update


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Alright so now the Latest PPE for Ebola is basically what you would where to a hazardous response call.
Full suit, Hood, Boots that are duct taped to suit, and 2 sets of gloves that are Taped as well< along with a respirator.

Now this being said I have argued in the past with an Infectious Control employee over the Droplet precautions vs Airborne precautions, reason being is when----- WHEN----- the patient sneezes or coughs it it an aerosol, and how are you going to determine how long that is in the air?
Well obviously now (fast forward 9 years from my argument) they are treating this droplet virus as an airborne issue, after several changes to the PPE protocols in the last month or so.

This is the issues I still see, and have no good resolution to (due to costs that health care will not dole out)
A patient complains of respiratory issues, and EMS is sent to the house. Now if this patient has Ebola, they are exposed, 1 of which in very confined space on the back of the box (ambulance)

Scenario #2 a Patient comes to the ED, same complaint, goes to the Triage desk where possibly a Triage person, a Registrar, and a Volunteer are. They are exposed. The patient now has a seat, coughs/ or sneezes by other waiting room guests, They are exposed.
From here these patients are seen by Diagnostics for a Chest Xray, possibly a CT scan, Possibly Respiratory Tech, ED Tech for an EKG and to hook up to the Monitor, an RN to draw labs and Assess, and a Doctor to also assess. A transporter will likely take them to the test site, or to be admitted, possibly on an elevator where another associate(s) will be, and to a Floor where another RN and a CNA will treat them.

Anyone see where I am going with this? A lotttttttttttt of opportunity to infect before it is diagnosed and the correct PPE is used. And they will not just suit up to begin with for about 50 reasons, ask if you want and I will give them to you.
Alright so now the Latest PPE for Ebola is basically what you would where to a hazardous response call.
Full suit, Hood, Boots that are duct taped to suit, and 2 sets of gloves that are Taped as well< along with a respirator.

Now this being said I have argued in the past with an Infectious Control employee over the Droplet precautions vs Airborne precautions, reason being is when----- WHEN----- the patient sneezes or coughs it it an aerosol, and how are you going to determine how long that is in the air?
Well obviously now (fast forward 9 years from my argument) they are treating this droplet virus as an airborne issue, after several changes to the PPE protocols in the last month or so.

This is the issues I still see, and have no good resolution to (due to costs that health care will not dole out)
A patient complains of respiratory issues, and EMS is sent to the house. Now if this patient has Ebola, they are exposed, 1 of which in very confined space on the back of the box (ambulance)

Scenario #2 a Patient comes to the ED, same complaint, goes to the Triage desk where possibly a Triage person, a Registrar, and a Volunteer are. They are exposed. The patient now has a seat, coughs/ or sneezes by other waiting room guests, They are exposed.
From here these patients are seen by Diagnostics for a Chest Xray, possibly a CT scan, Possibly Respiratory Tech, ED Tech for an EKG and to hook up to the Monitor, an RN to draw labs and Assess, and a Doctor to also assess. A transporter will likely take them to the test site, or to be admitted, possibly on an elevator where another associate(s) will be, and to a Floor where another RN and a CNA will treat them.

Anyone see where I am going with this? A lotttttttttttt of opportunity to infect before it is diagnosed and the correct PPE is used. And they will not just suit up to begin with for about 50 reasons, ask if you want and I will give them to you.

Just one more good reason to shut down all flights and passports from west africa! Makes no sense not to!
I keep seeing all these stupid fake pages of 'Ebola confirmed in (insert town by you)' and you click on it, and it a 'haha got you' prank..... God people are fucking dumb. Like correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't joke about this type of shit. Ignoramuses.
Well here is my take on it for what its worth .
History tends to repeat itself lets take the black plague for example the population is way to high so things happen to regulate it. Now how this comes to be not sure sometimes I wonder if the government has a hand it but thats a story for another time. This might sound bad even horrible but maybe this is how the fucktards numbers will be reduced.
Its another way for the earth to slim the herd if you will.
They changed protocol again at the local hospitals... It keeps changing, and the funny thing is that there is definitely not enough staff to follow the new protocol, which requires 3 RN's per Ebola patient, plus 1 security guard, plus a intermediate area between outside and inside the room, the room also has to be negative pressure, and these are hazmat suits
I just saw on the news a Dr in New York City has tested positive. Scary stuff!

yep this Selfish dick head doctor, was treating ebola patients in an ebola ravaged area, he comes back to the USA by way of New York JFK 6 days ago, during the course of those 6 days he takes car services, gets on subways, goes bowling a couple times, and walks around new york city, when he should have not been let in the country in my opinion , or he should have been quarantined right away regardless if he showed symptoms or not

what a selfish piece of shit doctor, i don't care that he was over in Africa working for Doctors without borders, Americans should have been his first concern and he fucked the pooch on this one in mother fucking New York City of all places!

Then the cops who went into his apartment with masks, and gloves, ae on video throwing their masks and gloves out in a public trash can!

This country is run by fucking morons
yea how many negative pressure rooms does your hospital have, my guess not that many.

You got it right- not that many at any of the hospitals

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yep this Selfish dick head doctor, was treating ebola patients in an ebola ravaged area, he comes back to the USA by way of New York JFK 6 days ago, during the course of those 6 days he takes car services, gets on subways, goes bowling a couple times, and walks around new york city, when he should have not been let in the country in my opinion , or he should have been quarantined right away regardless if he showed symptoms or not

what a selfish piece of shit doctor, i don't care that he was over in Africa working for Doctors without borders, Americans should have been his first concern and he fucked the pooch on this one in mother fucking New York City of all places!

Then the cops who went into his apartment with masks, and gloves, ae on video throwing their masks and gloves out in a public trash can!

This country is run by fucking morons

What do you mean, he's a hero. And if you don't know me well enough by now, that's me being sarcastic. They do "free" services (doctors) because the amount it saves them on taxes makes them more money than if they didn't do the "free" services.What a cock bag.
I still am not sure if it can spread before symptoms are evident, but I sure as fuck hope not!
i dont get it, if they want to go over there and treat people more power to them but stay the fuck over there.

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You got it right- not that many at any of the hospitals

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I know, i take we both actually know how incompetent the american medical system is and are not fooled by the media.
i dont get it, if they want to go over there and treat people more power to them but stay the fuck over there.

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You got it right- not that many at any of the hospitals

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I know, i take we both actually know how incompetent the american medical system is and are not fooled by the media.

I get it, it's all money driven my man.

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They are looking for volunteers for ebola team with a stipend.... Probably 10 cents an hour just like the HERT team was lol