Primo - alot of fakes


New member
I hear that a lot of people are worried about getting fake primo when ordering because there are so many counterfeits out there.
Wanted to post these pics i took so you can tell if yours is real. I can vouch for this 100% ---- Included the tren just as some eye candy LOL.



Looks legit. Even label, square corners with lot numbers. Nice, I've never seen that trenabol stuff before but heard of it by BD.
Well if it's tren and you're using a decent amount like 1ml eod or ed I'm sure results would show in about a wk. Nothing is like tren!!
Hey Proud, i posted those pics on another board and some guy thinks the Primo is fake. I had good results with the same stuff back in Jan/feb and had no problems with Gyno at all (something im quite prone to with Test & deca). I had no water retention at all some im quite certain these are real. You think from your experience these are real ? can anyone else comment from experience ?
it actually contains nan phenyl, at 50mgs bro. I have the lab test from some just like that and you can look on the web and find it. Its what they call an acceptable fake.
I will try to find out where there is another oost I read on it and when i had mine tested I had them test for what they said was in it and they were right but it does not contain primo, but something close and less dosed.

I used them with no pain and in doses of 150mgs a week with decent results w/tren too..cut nice..myabe it was just the tren though..I will post the pics I have of some too.
Thanks Strider ! top man.... i really had to know what i was putting in me. Should i keep shooting it in large doses like 200mg
twice a week or would it work better EOD in 100mg doses. (or 50mg as you said it was)
There is a german guy who i know, who confirmed this for me. I was taking 400mgs a week primo and like you said it was doing good, but to my dismay it was not primo but this nan phenyl. so it roughly works to 200mgs a week of it and with anavar and tren I was cut in a good amount of time and hard.
Now thats going to up to you bro, if you really know thats what you got then do it if not at least use it on the bi's and areas where they are slacking, like synthenol..that might work

Its your call but they are not all the same..the blue dot is not uniform and small either the real ones i have had are smaller blue dots and the labels are a peel off but stays in layers..the fakes pretty much come off in one piece.. i will post pics if the fakes and real soon. its on disk somewhere.
Im on that primo right now and its feeling great along with winny prop and clen. Hate to tell you this but the primo hurts like he**! I have learned from my mistakes do not mix the winny in primo in the same needle. Enjoy