Prince Albert/Clit Piercings

i had my nipples pierced at one point but grew outta that. I have to say that the ladies love that shit for some reason. It dont think i could stab a needle through my penis.....just dont see it happening
one of my friends got her clit pierced she told me sex sucks now , she said at first its good and everything but you start to orgasm from walking and now she cant even tell its there. N sex isnt really even all that worth it anymore
Bignick said:
i had my nipples pierced at one point but grew outta that. I have to say that the ladies love that shit for some reason. It dont think i could stab a needle through my penis.....just dont see it happening
no shit they love em'. kinda like im a sucker for the belly button rings (but not on fat chicks :D )

noel said:
owwww, to the guy w/ the nipple peirce that grew out, how bad did that hurt ?
people say they dont hurt, but they hurt like hell on me. very quick and over with, but very painful for that 1 or 2 seconds.
body peircings just dont get me turned on, i'd rather see a nice tan, or a good hair cut on a guy. i guess i am boring. lol oh and of course my favorite is .... muscle !!!
the penis piercings really didn't hurt! in what little pain there was is gone in less then 2 seconds. I am very happy i decided to do it!
yeah, Im getting a PA done as soon as I get the hell outa the desert........Im more than sure my wife's gonna like it........... It just brings a lil more into the bedroom......
Iam covered with tats but no metal through my skin
trying to talk girlfriend into getting a BJ bolt :)
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no tats and no piecings here cant think of something i want on my body for the rest of my life and i wouldnt get a piercing unless it was a bet and i was getting paid for it then id take it out immediatly.
I'm 48, have three ear piercings, one nipple piercing with a huge Gauge 6 ring, and tatoose on both arms......the worst pain was in taking the original nipple piercing and stretching it out to put in a lkarger ring....YOOOOOWWWZZAAA!
I've had several piercings like my Labrea, I think thats spelled I've had my toungue pierced and my eyebrow. But never the old Prince. Thats just to hardcore for I know a guy who had a Prince Albert and he allways wanted to show it off. Wich needless to say was a little WEIRD :eek: ,
From a female point of view I think piercings in the genital area are simply gross and disgusting. I had my nose pierced and I thought it was cool but I got tired of it pretty quickly. I had my navel pierced two different times and it kept getting infected so that ended that. Now in my humble opinion men with nipples pierced hmmmmmmm.....when I first met my boyfriend and he told me his nipples were pierced and thought I don't know about this........but over time OMG what a freaking turn on!!!! Long story short, if you guys out there are looking to turn your woman on.....think pierced nipples!!!!
i have my nipples pierced, as well as a vertical and horizontal curved barbell through my hood and i would feel incomplete without them. the pain was semi-extreme for all of two seconds.. but nothing that even brought me to tears. healing wasn't painful in the least bit and while i'm not overly sensitive, having them is much better than not. the barbells are small and complimentary, and i enjoy having them (it's been over three years now for all of them). i know it's all personal preference, but i can't imagine NOT having them.
I had 2 frenums but my chick made me take them out... Said that if she really is the last girl that I'm going to be with; then I don't need them unless I plan on fucking other chicks... Soooooooooo, guess the pain was for nothing...

But, I gotta tell ya - CHICKS ARE QUITE CURIOUS ABOUT HOW IT LOOKS AND FEELS... so you made need some extra pages for the old black book. Ha!