Pro Tan tip


Staff member
i have used protan for each of my shows with ateast 3-5 coats ata time, and it is a pain in the ass to get on evenly with a sponge.

So my one buddy I did a couple shows with told me his wife just sprays it directly on him in spot maybe an inck or 2 apart and just lets it go without sponging it even, he said it spreads evenly from one spray spot to another so long as they arent to far apart, and his tan looks good! Anyone else try this? Sounds easy and to good to be true!
Never tried just spraying it without the sponge, dont see how it wouldnt run down and streak. If I where you Presser I woudl try Dream Tan.
there is one called final touch which is amazing. its not a spray but a cream, and it has a finishing cream that you put on as a last coat that has a shine in it, meaning no oil. have used it for my last three shows. the stuff works better than anything i've tried.
Any of you tried that Hot Oil, it is methol based and is suppose to increase your vascularity. You use it as a posing oil.
it gives you good vascularity. but in most cases it makes you very red and itchy. niacin will give you the same results. a glass of red wine before you step on stage will bring out the viens nicely.

I feel like im a poster boy for the stuff! I use a makeup sponge and a hair dryer! this bakes it in! in the a.m. il take a shower to blend in! then i repeat the process again for a few days the by friday my wife can have a coat on in 15 minutes!!!
bro i seen ur pics u look bronze how did you get that exact color? jackedupifbb also has that color in our members pics area, i want that color,
the lights

the lights help! no because im SOOOO fair skinned i start my tan on tues night wiht one coat. Ill shower on weds and repeat. same on thurs. fri we do two or three coats then on sat i put on dream tan then bake it with a hair dryer!
I saw a bodybuilding show tonight and they were putting on their tan and spreading it with one of the brushes that you use for painting. It's the ones with foam instead of bristles.