problems with researchkits--anyone else?


New member
I ordered a product 3 weeks ago and still haven't seen it yet--also,I tried to email and couldn,t get thru,finally ,yesterday,after 5 emails he had the courtesy of anwsering--said he'd send it when he got it--i then had to ask myself to please send the product I paid for 3 weeks ago overnite,he agreed--we'll see--the thing is this,if he's so un-responsible in sending out products,then HOW GOOD CAN I EXPECT THE PRODUCT TO EVEN BE--100% ????-I DOUBT IT NOW.
They've always been good for me,service and product-wise. Any company can make a mistake from time to time,they'll make good on it.
I posted this also because about a wk or 2 ago there were some complaints too about re-searchkits,so if this is the case then we need to know--but if it was just a mistake then I will again post an admit that too --we'll see
I have used them in the past and every thing was good I would use them again if needed but I will back and who they back
more often than not,my planning could be better than it usally is,so I often wait to the last minute before I order.As it was in this case--so I was really hoping to get my product in a timely manner--in the end ,I was FU-KED.
researchedkits waited 3 FU-KEN WEEKS to let me know that they were having problems--even the last 2 days they jerked me around by promising me to overnite and then last nite i finally emailed them and said just send me back my money--so tom writes me says all this bs and just lets it now i have to find another source and re-order and wait--really sucks. here is the actuall reply he sent me----------------------------------------------- The intention was not to jerk you around or lie to you, I (Tom the
shipping guy) order everything but the chemicals, that is on Chem and he
told me we were receiving 50 of everything on Thursday. Thursday came and
nothing, Friday came and we got a box of Clen........... so rather than
email you and say hey out of luck again I figured I'd hold my breath and
hope they showed today but of course they didn't. I refunded your money and
am sorry for the hassle, when they do finally show up I will email you and
let you know, if you place the order again we will ship it express at no
extra cost if it's alright with Chem.
DIESEL said:
Didn't MC use to back research kits?

"Used to," not anymore, now we back

We haven't backed him in a long time, he has ran into some problems and what not, but it seems people are still happy with his service, and some people are not. All though everyone seems happy with cyber-solutionz!

With the volume of our orders, mistakes may happen. I try everything in power to avoid them. Contact me via e-mail at [email protected] and I will deal with this issue ASAP. I will get it straight.

I have always been taken care of from chemripped and research kits. Cyber solutionuz has always done me good as well. Like chem said and with any business , mistakes will happen it is human .