Proviron with Nolvadex


MuscleChemistry member
Read where taking 50mg of Proviron and 20mg of Nolvadex a day, is great for supressing estrogen almost completely. What do you think?
It definitely should physiologically. Id be curious to see myself. Only thing that kinda concerns me is nolva is pretty toxic. I mean length of how long you should do it.
Nuk Nuk,

Hey bro, an old trick I do for pre contest prep is the last 2-3 weeks add in Proviron and Nova to really hardend you up...Proviron is an adrogen to, so it really makes you rock this

3 weeks out - 25-50mg proviron per day, 10-20mg nova per day
2 weeks out - 50-75mg provrion per day, 20-30mg nova per day
1 week out - 100mg provrion per day, 40mg nova per day

give that a go around and watch yourself get dryer and harder each day...its pretty old school but it does work...but remember it has to be real proviron, there is alot (ALOT) of fake provirion out there...
also, if its real proviron, you will notice instand hardness in your muscle's within a day or so...should work that fast...