PSL Cycles coming up :D And thoughts going in


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So I have been dabbling over the last 2 years almost with trying to keep my weight down a bit but keep a lot of strength for grappling, which has caused me to dabble in different cycles that weren't my typical get big then lean down.

Firstly know that every persons body responds differently
Best example is
I use deca and I get puffy, I use EQ and I stay leaner, whereas a multitude of friends are the polar opposite, with just those 2 compounds.

Another example is T-bol vs Anadrol-
T-bol gives me the strength and durability to train heavy string, recover fast, and destroy long work outs, without all the extra water I get from Drol

I feel at this point to stay around the weight I need to be for grappling a Test (C or E) combo with a Light Tren E is the way to go, along side anti's
additionally things such as MC's IGF or good GH is an amazing bonus even when I run my GH levele at a 3, 4, 3 a week level.

Moving forward I think that between peptides, and SARMS like M.C. Andadrine, or M.C. Ostarine mixed correctly with the known levels I do well with of PSL Test and Tren I am in a good place.

Grappled a power house just yesterday that outweighs me by 24 pounds, and I still had the upper hand :D even though it felt like what I could only describe as trying to keep an adult Bear on his back feels like haha. My cardio dropped off before the holidays even started, but having 3 people I know pass away in the last 3 months got me training a lot less. So time to keep grinding away now!
I feel at this point to stay around the weight I need to be for grappling a Test (C or E) combo with a Light Tren E is the way to go, along side anti's
additionally things such as MC's IGF or good GH is an amazing bonus even when I run my GH levele at a 3, 4, 3 a week level.

Moving forward I think that between peptides, and SARMS like M.C. Andadrine, or M.C. Ostarine mixed correctly with the known levels I do well with of PSL Test and Tren I am in a good place.

Sounds to me like you know your body. I would agree with the test/tren combo. That always works well for me, too. Should be good to go for what you're looking for. do you respond to LOW dose deca or npp? I only ask because tren is known to be one of the compounds that weakens the tendons. This, on top of adding strength may not be the best combo for strenuous activities such as grappling where your joints are being stretched and torqued. A low dose deca or NPP along with the test and tren may have therapeutic benefits for your joints. Or since you respond better to EQ, maybe a low-moderate dose of EQ to aid in collagen synthesis and keep the joints strong.