purple pills revisited


New member
Got back an answer from my source who is very reputable but first order with me. The purple pills are supposed to winny. I ordered Ip winny but he could have sent me whatever winny he had on hand. Which I would think would be more expensive. The pills are somewhat large (7mm in diameter) with two curly "J"s attached to circles crossing eachother. Has anyone ever seen these?
We went through this a couple of weeks ago - here's a link to the thread:

They are made in china by an underground lab, don't know any more than that yet. They are awesome bro. Don't pass them up. Equal to or better than IP winny. Cool lookin' too, ain't they? :cool:

Somebody post when you figure out what the lab is calling itself so we can stop calling them "those cool purple winnys with the weird symbol on them", LOL!
46and2aheadofme, dude you rock. I actually read that post and like a moron, I completely forgot about it. I hadnt ever seen the pills until about a week ago. I've done so many searches and put out so many emails trying to find this out. I've even mailed my source several times about them, each time he forgets to answer that question.
You f'n rock. Thank god. Now I can stop annoying people with this question.
Big Guns said:
Let us know how good they are.

Like I said, they are very good :)
significant strength increases within 2 days at 50mg/day taken right before workout. Vascularity up. Definitely feels like winny and they feel equal to or stronger than the little blue ones from you-know-who.
... oh, you meant kossdeh should let us all know what he thinks. I agree, always eager for other people's opinions on new products.

And no problem, kossdeh. :cool:
Hey guys, day four of this stuff. If i didnt know any better I'd swear I was back on dbol. Im in mid cycle of w1-12 deca and sust (400/500 threexwk split). Started with dbol w1-4, hit the winny week 6. I was drinking 50mg jurox ed. I switched to the X pills four days ago and my friggin back is killing me. I thought it might be my kidneys (winny still hits the liv and kid hard) but I did some cardio yesterday and ran today. I could barely walk after about a mile. My legs were so pumped I was almost cramping. To tell you the truth, I get so pumped so fast that I cramp during lifting also.
I wonder if these supposed winnys are dbols. You think somebody praying joka on me. Somebody put Peepee in my coke?
The company that is making these is called NRG labs
they are also making anadrol now, after all this talk about them I decided to try some of the winny, start monday will keep you all posted

Guess these are what you're talking about... Been on about 2 weeks and seems like the only thing they have done for me is make me lazy.


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cool looking little bastards but if anyone is afraid to take them send them to me and I will let you know if they are any good.LOL
buffgrandpa, you hit the nail on the head. Im on day 5 and I'm feeling more crappy by the day. Second day or so I started feeling kinda bloated (like abomb or dbols make you feel after a couple weeks). I even get the pump like a mofo. The only prob is now Im running into an overtraining like fatigue. I sleep and eat really well. As a matter of fact, until I added these guys to the cycle I was feeling great. I'll prob go for another week and switch back to the jurox if the pee pee is still in my coke
buffgrandpa said:
Guess these are what you're talking about... Been on about 2 weeks and seems like the only thing they have done for me is make me lazy.

I've take a couple uppers
I down a couple downers
But nothing compares
To these blue and yellow purple pills

I'm at rave
Looking like a slave
High off chronic
Gin and tonic demonic
Body smelt like vomit
Pussy poppin', ass is droppin', dope-headed guy
whipped cream dirty mattresses waana try
Blue pills, golden seals
Got Bizarre actin' ill
Drugs kill (Yeah, right)
Bitch I'm for real
Shut your mouth you dirty slut
You know you want it in your butt
I'll put it in your cunt
Let Bizarre nutt

Sorry I just couldn't resist doing this guys! :D
there is only one way to see if they are good or no. send them to me I'll do a cycle and give you the reports. :)
buffgrandpa said:
Guess these are what you're talking about... Been on about 2 weeks and seems like the only thing they have done for me is make me lazy.

Pretty soon we'll have yellow moons, purple horseshoes and green clovers LOL.
Feed back so far

Ok so here's my take on this stuff so far.

Week one: I was splitting the pills and taking every 12 hrs. I was very lathargic and not getting real good workouts in. Eating a lot more and sleeping more though.

Week two: Quit splitting and tried to take just before work out. Still not getting real good work outs in, running out of gas too easy and no motivation.

3 days into week 3: (I'm running these for 90 days) Decided to move them away from workout at least 12 hrs. Since they are making me tired anyway, taking at nigt before I go to bed, since my workouts are usually around 10-12 am, before I go to work. Intensity back in workouts and great pumps. These last few workouts have been the best I've had in several weeks. Sleeping real well since taking the pills at night.

Only thing that I'm taking different than my normal vitamins (B, C, E, Ginko, Ginsing, ECA, Cal-Mag) is 4-600 mg ALA ED. And of course lots of protien.

The biggest thing I have noticed on these things so far is the recovery time. I can put in a killer workout in the morning. Feel real stiff and sore at night (like normal) but instead of being even sorer the next day....it's all gone, like I never worked out at all. AWSOME.. No change in body fat or composition as of yet though, will update in a couple of weeks if nothing else changes in the mean time.
Keep up the posts. I'm almost at the end of my second week. I'm still not sold off the idea that there's dbol in these tabs. Although, this is my first go around on winnys in tab form. Not sure if that would make a diff. I'm going to try to work through this and vary the dosage time like you. Maybe the pumps wont kill me as much.